Necro Video

i just set up kaillera yesterday. i wouldnt mind helping you in this either, not trying to take credit or anything. but i would say use the following sections:

1: BNB combos (dugh) - 3 min max
2: picks and basic resets - 1 min max
3: SA setups/tricks - 3 min max
4: Corner Raping - 3 min max
5: Mix-up - 3 min max

all together this should make a 10 minute video and be great. im ready to help if you need me.

look at this and get motivated. this tutorial sucks ass. it is even from japan… not like it is supposed to be the best or anything

Hm having a time frame setup is convenient and gives me some direction again, thanks.

Hey! Just wanted to say I look forward to the tutorial video (that is, if it’s in the works). I’m trying to learn both Q and Necro (I go by awesomness, not tier =D) and I’ve read SuperDavids “How to Q” along with the videos there which have helped a lot!

Finding a good Necro tutorial on the other hand seems to be very hard. I’m still not used to all the terms and attacks he uses, so a video would help a lot!

Good luck with it!

that is because necro is a tactical character. playing necro for prioity, powerful bnb combos, and all that would be a pointless choice. everyone here plays necro
because we love necro and have our own style of mixup and corner rape. when you fuck up alot of ppl with your necro and smile when you do it, you will know the feeling.

There’s no other Necro video tutorial out there at all, or a really, really simple guide to him? No? Perhaps?

kysg? not a tutorial but a good necro watch.

Kysg? A player? Anything to watch would help I suppose, but I don’t know any good Necro players.

Edit: I haven’t read up on anything about Necro, to be honest. What are his strengths and weaknesses?

KYSG are a group, not a solo person. If you’re looking to learn a character, that’s the last place you’d look! KYSG basically do insane combos for each character using programmable means

Wow, that sucks for me then. Where should I look instead?

this has alot of shit. just not alot on necro…

a long list of vids for everyone in 3s. study all of them to know your opponent. but not enough on necro

Yeah, seems both of those videos on Necro are some pretty insane combos.

edit: Maybe someone could name a good Necro I could watch?


Thank you!

Good to see someones finally making a tutorial :slight_smile:
As someone mentioned before, try to keep it relativley short like 8-10 mins. Any longer and chances are you’ll be rumbling on too much and the viewer will get bored.
Try not to explain every little detail, keep it simple, just put the button inputs somewhere on screen during the combo and maybe a little explenation or hint if needed and let the viewer decide which combo he/she wants to learn, its then just a matter of pausing the video and going into practice mode :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah…emphasise the power of the taunt lol

several people promised a necro tutorial, but i have yet to see…

necro’s taunt is fuckin awsome!
hcf.lp >> taunt
b.hp >> db.hp >> taunt
hcf.kick (command grab) >> hcf.lp >> taunt
far, connected >> taunt

vs a turtle:
taunt until they come to you

vs stuned in corner (ken, ryu, gouki, makoto, Q, hugo, alex, remmy):
taunt, hcf.hp, >> xx SAIII >> dp.lp >> db.hp >> taunt

alternatives for alex, hugo, urien:
taunt, hcf.hp, hcf.lp, [db.hp * 3 (hugo, alex),]
or for urien [db.hp * 5 >> taunt]