NDT Stockton Ca, February 25th Results

if this is going to be a regular thing, would be chill if y’all could work around the Capitol Fight District bi-weeklies to run it on one of the off Saturdays. turn-out will be better for both if neither is interfering!

Here are the results and brackets. In order from left to right 1st - 3rd.

SSFIVAE: Mad (Dictator), Illiterate (Yang), Safe On Block (Boxer)
SCV: Belligerent Jedi (Nightmare), Revolver (Mitsurugi), Safe On Block (Mitsurugi)
UMVC3: Mine (TBA), Quest (TBA), XRay (TBA)

Brackets are linked to the facebook account:
SSFIV: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=243046609115964&set=a.108449342575692.23023.100002318807148&type=1&theater

UMVC3: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=243043685782923&set=a.108449342575692.23023.100002318807148&type=1&theater