NC Love/Hate Thread LIII: Whoopi Goldberg and Counterpicking

I didn’t know Multi was in To Heart 2 as well? I thought only the first one since she’s in the anime and manga of it. Never saw the second season though. The cast seems very interesting and at the least I wanna give it a chance and see how it is. As long as it’s fun that’s good enough for me.

You pick “Run the fuck away until he loses his X-Factor.” That slow fucker can’t catch a cold. Also, knowing that the other team has Sent at the end should prompt you to save your own X-Factor for him, whether it’s to kill him with or to use to save yourself from HSF chip damage.

Sent is “Early game stupid good” much like Vanilla Gief was at the beginning. He’s going to be near the top, but he’s far from unbeatable.

So I found a decent magneto combo that seems better than what’s floating around for you Mags players.

whatever into launcher sj.M j.H air dash diagonally down j.H land S sj.H flight mode j.LMH air dash MH air dash MH air dash MHS land into otg.

Instead of doing the last launcher you can sj MH AD MH land st.H gravity squeeze if you wanna end with that.

Does a lot of damage / builds a lot of meter.

I feel like I’m playing w/ action figures on screen. That isn’t my judgement on the game as a whole. I haven’t decided if I like the game or not, yet, because frankly, I haven’t played w/ more than five characters yet.

I hope Sentinel is one of them.

Yo guys. Now that Marvel is out, I’d like to take another shot at hosting. I would like to announce Monday Night Marvel, starting next Monday at 7:30 at my apartment in Raleigh. PM me for my address and phone number if you’re interested.

I honestly don’t really like MvC3 that much as a whole. Granted I will still play it and enjoy it I feel like it really needs some fixes. X Factor by itself is just ridiculous. You literally can win strictly off of chip damage. I know that you can just X Factor yourself in order to cancel out theirs but the whole level 1, 2, and 3 durations make it way too easy to have comeback victories. I’m sure people will figure out different things but as of right now I’m hoping for patches.

That’s actually very similar to the loop I did to you in tournament which was:

S sj H adf M H land S sj H adf H fly L M H adf M H adf M H adf M H S

It doesn’t matter though since players discovered the new ROM loop with:

S sj H (delay) addf H [sj H addf H]

Repeat what’s in the brackets. You only have to delay the first rep, every other rep you should do as fast as possible. It can get over 550K by itself with no hyper meter, x-factor or assists. It’s significantly easier than mag’s ROM in MvC2.

Either way I dropped mag because I found a character that can do everything he does but better, I’ll try and debut it at the hotel session.

I am also on the fence on if I like this game or not. I’m giving it two more weeks of playing/training mode to see how I feel about it.

Jon, after the second launcher how exactly are you catching the character with sj.H I can’t seem to land it at all.


The raping robo


I kid, I kid

Agreed. Look forward to meeting some of you friday. Brent is it cool if I get there a bit early?

I won’t be there any earlier than 4 probably.

I tried to say during/after Lucky’s that Level 3 X-Factors counter-strat seemed to be “runaway for 20 seconds” and was told to “just block.”

Also no one else has said it but: I don’t think the level|up stream of Wednesday Night Fights was that good. I wasn’t impressed with much of anything except for Justin’s Wolverine/Akuma assist assist stuff. I thought I’d see some cool stuff. I did see players using a “wide variety of characters” like promised I suppose. Floe’s Haggar pretty much just did j.2C over and over and over regardless of what was going on at neutral. Clakey B’s Tron was mostly airdash C over and over again until he got a hit into combo, and his Morrigan was eh. Mike Ross just looked terrible. Any one else that I can’t remember off the top of my head probably did decent or wasn’t bad enough to stick out. I’m not re-watching that 2 hours of crap for too many more specifics, but I was overall very let down.

I dunno, I just saw more of a “look at this one move no one’s seen before cause the game’s been out a week” instead of some decent mix-ups. People got hit cause they weren’t blocking cause people don’t know how to play yet. Except Justin, his shit looked pretty good for week 1.

Lol I agree

Yo Brent for Friday I got my HDMI cord in the mail brent, If you want I can bring my xbox and monitor? I know most people can only play on PS3 so I don’t know if I’d be a waste

pretty sure he already uses him :slight_smile:

He was asking for 360s so I don’t think it’s a total waste. Plus a lot of people have dual modded sticks as well.

Not really, people are still getting better.

I think a game is dry when there is no more untapped potential.

I’m definitely interested, I suck at this game so bad :slight_smile:

it seems deceptively easy, but since i’m not used to team games and games that involve a lot of air movement, it’s taking a little getting used to.

i played some offline with a friend that plays fighting games, but just casually. it was fun and he was picking it up quickly, but then i started trying to explain assist types, otg, dhc, push block, super jumps, double jumps, snap backs,xfactor, etc…think it got to be too much.

i’m not great at fighting games, but i probably should have just let him play, and then if he asked questions, then just explain what i could. just trying to give a general overview might be a bit overwhelming for the casual person. i guess we could have tried basic mode, but i don’t know what you can/can’t do with it
