NC Love/Hate Thread LIII: Whoopi Goldberg and Counterpicking

None of you guys remember when MvC2 came out and everyone bitched about iceman being broken?

Of course they don’t, nor do they remember all those other times when a game just came out and there was something stupid easy and broke that people eventually figured out a way around. Same shit, different day. Happens every time.

So yeah… Who’s hype for Marvel (that hasn’t got it)?

Goods games at Demo’s yesterday. . .

Fucking Dormmamu. . .does not bullshit. . .
Can someone test this for me?I think he may have the MvC2 style infinite on Sent. . . jL,jH,jS,repeat. . .I’ve got it to loop three times on him, but i’m not sure if its my execution or just for whatever reason I can’t keep it going…

The only thing I can contribute right now to MvC3 is that I’m really liking C.Viper…still looking for 2 more characters.

Wilmington is crackin out, Angus just changed his name to Tyrone Biggums.

Gonna play devil’s advocate here and say do you remember TvC? And every actually had high expectations for that game. I’m just arguing for the sake of arguing though. In the long run, you’re right.

I think listening to opinions of previous players shouldn’t just be put aside about the game. Yes, everyone should form their own opinion, but we’re talking about dropping cash down on something we aren’t sure we’ll enjoy. So the big issue (at least my big issue) is spending money on something that may not be worth it.

Thankfully, to form my own opinion, I have friends and a roommate that has purchased the game. So either I’m going to not enjoy it when I try it and not buy it; or enjoy it somewhat and still not buy it because my roommate has it; or enjoy it a lot I’d actually go out and buy it.

I just don’t think its fair to come down on players that simply want to wait it out to see if MvC3 will become something big. I can’t help make MvC3 big, because I’m not enthusiastic about it to begin w/. I’m just not sold on it.

(This is not a valid reason, but I’d like to share anyway): I’m also super salty about no Megaman and Strider.

Here’s the playlist from the other day

I was sad about that too. =[

Wow this is worse than i thought… DarkLight level up your chun son

I don’t know about this game man. I am trying to get the hang of it but it’s too fast for me right now. I will make my final decision after I get to play someone other than the computer.


This sums up… everything.

Need to quit hiding your secrets lol. Dante is mad fun, asides from the occasional carpel tunnel I get from playing him haha (jump canceling f.H–>tele combos are too hot).

Quick marvel impressions:
Dante has a quick learning curve for simple BnBs (THOUGH A LOT OF THE CAST DOES TOO c.America, Ammy, Wolverine, …). I think initially marvel is going to be a button mashers galore, just means the good players are going to learn to BLOCK IT, fuck up your spammy assists, and ZONE.

No one is an expert yet, if you aren’t playing rushdown expect to get HIT a lot as you learn to block well.

Most informative fact I learn from MvC3…Super-Skrull is racist.

i just unlucked ironmans unfly relauch combo

every character in this game needs sentinels hp so they can atleast survive one easy ass abc combo

That’s like every MvC2 fan before the roster was shortened from 56 to 5 back in the day. :lol:

jullian, sorry i couldnt make it this weekend man. i got called in to work. im still trying to make it out ive been itching for some mvc. gg tactiks earlier. honda is too much to deal with lol.

anyone have an extra hori usb cord? mine is ripped and will only work with the cord in a certain position. name a decent price and ill buy it from you. thanks for any help.

whoever did Blake’s avatar, would they mind doing a Doom Avatar for me?

That analogy doesn’t really work at all with MvC3 and Sentinel, though.
As one of the very few left in the scene who ACTUALLY WAS IN THE ARCADES BACK IN 2000, FOLLOWING THE SCENE AND WATCHING GOOD PLAYERS PLAY–you can’t compare early MvC3 with early MvC2.
MvC2 was a work created in a vacuum, released out of nowhere, and foisted on a community who had no idea what to make of it. Let’s not forget it took a solid month just to unlock everybody.
Nobody knew how to play because Marvel had NEVER been taken seriously by ANYONE outside of New York before MvC2 was released.

Yes, what a lot of the kids now may be shocked to learn…for a long time, Marvel games were considered an absolute joke by the vast majority of the SF community.

Info travels a lot faster these days with online and SRK then back in the arcade days. It really changes how you learn fighters- and it’s less fun now in some ways.

As for me, I’m going to try hitting Lucky’s this Saturday, and see AH3 and MVC3 for myself, then make judgements based on that. With AH3 getting US release announcement tomorrow, I want to see if it’s worth the hype to me.

It’s too early to write off MVC3 as a bad game though, especially since you know Capcom will at least do one patch.

I am going to laugh so hard after hearing the Evo bitching over MK9 though if MK9 ends up a decent game, and MVC3 ends up trash. I’m hoping Netherrealm pulls off the miracle.

I just wish the new Namco stuff would come over here this year, out of everything so far, a new Tekken Tag and a new Soul Cal look the most promising out of everything. Too bad we probably won’t see those games for at least another year if not 2.