(I trying to think what’s the most I’ve typed in one day besides that absurd day where I basically forced myself to type for 23 hours and do like…half of the book to finish things. I think it was…10,000~?)
I’m at 0 words outside of that synopsis that I wrote last night because I just woke up. Hurray!
I’m actually not in any rush to start considering I still need find that password and finish at least three other things, beyond eating and showering, that I had wanted finished yesterday anyway. I’ll probably actually start in an hour or two.
nigh-apathetic shrug
I put in bold what’s the possibly the most difficult thing about that to convey without a) pissing off more people than you already going to and b) actually getting that across despite the mental issue. Rather telling that is likely going to be more difficult than writing the mental issue tastefully beforehand and handling the POV shifts–I kinda figured you were going for one or the other given the way you asked, but not both.
Pretty inevitable that this is going to happen anywhere for at least some people, even if they know they’re getting a villain protagonist from the beginning. “Rape is a special type of evil” and such, especially since a villain protagonist–Maxwell is one for me–doesn’t necessarily have to filled to the brim with “evil” or even villainous deeds to necessarily attain that title–perhaps “anti-hero” would be more appropriate even if good doesn’t need to necessarily be nice either.
Speaking of which, I’ll give you bonus points if you can make him Affably Evil–genuinely so–on top of making him a villain protagonist and a rapist that some people don’t automatically hate; you don’t get as many of those bonus points if the victim is eviler than thou since it becomes less a shoot the shaggy dog thing and more a kick the son of a bitch, even if a lot more people are less likely to get behind rape as “justice” or “payback”. (Unless it’s man on man, in which case people tend to rarely care because men are the expendable gender.)
…I’ve suddenly started speaking in tropes. Help me.
Well, yeah, you obviously don’t want to skip over like that, especially since it’s arguable whether rape should merely be described as “sex”–probably not–and since you were asking about this in the first place. It’s also probably not good for it to that obvious even as a summation if you’re just going to be skip over it, but that might just be me feeling implications are betters, especially beforehand.
All this talk about one mere scene reminds me that I’m glad that I think like all of protagonists are asexual or have a low sex drive. Ironically, this story for NaNiWriMo might have the most focus on sexuality, only because it has the most couples that are likely to end up together in a grand total of 2–even my main story tends to only have one (in the spotlight) and that’s between the protagonist and another main character…who was the one to initiate it. Hell, the only reason I’m even bothering to focus on it was I figure people would eventually ask even if it has absolutely not baring on the story–well, that and I figure that if my plans for it ever to come fruition, it would kinda need for a fighting game to have more official, non-stereotypical non-heterosexual characters. [/huge aside]
Meh, robust vocabulary is kinda overrated. Not that isn’t good to have knowledge of and to learn new, “bigger” words, but it’s not absolutely mandatory as long as you can get the point across without being repetitive.
As for grammar, meh. As much as I’m a 1940s German about that, your response shows that you already have better grammar than 90% of the (English-speaking) Internet, so you should be good.
Oh Merciful Minerva, why are you punishing yourself like this?