Naptown C-L-U-T-C-H ... Footage and Thanks

Great footage, thanks for uploading those vids Hadoking. The MM was definitely a nail biter.

Sounds wonderful. I’mma make sure I don’t miss it again.

HDR has the best & most simple button fig designed… I dont see how its a problem…

The design of the button config screen itself is obviously top-notch, but the bug where it sometimes loses your button config in local 2P matches is a very real problem that leads to lots of lost time in tourneys, I don’t think anyone is really disputing that.

This link doesn’t work.

Wasn’t aware of this…Is this for the 360 & PS3?

It happens with both, but is possibly even worse on the PS3 since it sometimes randomly assigns stick id’s other than #1 or #2, whereas on XBox when you have two controllers plugged in they’re always #1 & #2. But essentially the problem is the same on both.

As far as I can tell, the trick is that the button configs are tied to the GamerTag. So, let’s say I have two GamerTags: SweetJV and SpicyJV. Imagine a tournament where two guys just got done, now me (SweetJV) and some other guy (SpicyJV) plug in our sticks. We start up a match to tweak and test buttons. So, we start a dummy match, then SpicyJV brings up the button config and we tweak our settings, we go back into the match and make sure they work. They do, so we quit out to the main menu. Now, if I start a local match up what will happen is that the button config for SweetJV will get loaded and used. But since we setup our buttons on the SpicyJV account, they’ll probably be wrong.

So, in theory if one person ALWAYS does everything (bring up the config menu, start the match, etc) then it should work. But there’s probably like 1 or 2 things (maybe hit OK in the config menu or quitting the match?) that could also affect what gets saved/used. That’s probably how it gets screwed up every once in awhile.

Good videos and great matches, esp to the finalists. Congrats to Thelo, great to see Honda looking ever so good! Phlush, Had0-King what up homies? Thanks for posting these up.

Yeah this is sad that this won’t be in EVO.