Name Change Thread

Why does Nitsud sound so familiar to me?

Do you play poker?

Is this still active?

If this is still active then I’d like to change mine to “DioMFBrando”

@MrWizard, if this is still active, please change my name to RNS_ZeroCool


DominicanPower, thanks

Do you mean DominicanPower?

no, please change his name to DomicanPower. It would be a hell of alot funnier if you did.

Ellie Phil

(If this is still active.)

@Snydler – how about something without a space in it? The board kind of handles spaces poorly. I can force it if I have to, but … I’d rather not.

@preppy Sorry I didn’t realize! ElliePhil would work great. Thanks!

If SynchroMax is available, I too would like a name change, please.

Thank you!

I’m glad this wasn’t fulfilled because it would’ve been really dumb.

Hey I’d like to change my name to VampireSoldier please. Thank you.

Could you change my name to Richter please?

Can you change my name to “Atari” please? If not available, “Atari_V”

If it’s possible, I want the name FeiWrong.

How am I not getting a name change?

I’d like to try again since people’s names are getting changed. May I please have my name changed to OhioNitsud? Thanks.

Because you were cute and edited your post inline as opposed to responding. I get alerts for new posts, not for updates. :tup: