N ken os question

Ya, just tried that myself…never knew you could cancel a normal with an active hitbox into a special.

I be dumb yo.

This is probably due to a frame being dropped depending on the turbo settings, there was an article somewhere that explained what happened to ST on different turbo settings and basically the faster you set it, the more frames the game actually drops, which explains some of the random time frame windows for inputs.

this is really hard to do consistantly. kudos is you can be honest with yourself and know for sure you’re hitting that sweet spot.

heh, hitting that frame window reminds of those ticket games where you have to make the rotating light land in the jackpot zone. i suck at those games.

I wouldn’t worry about trying to time it so much. Just do the sweep and even if you cancel to an SRK during startup frames…you still get a SRK, having the hitbox go active is just an extra.


I have been thinking about an other possible os with n ken, i need your opinion about that.

Ken 's close st lk is chain cancellable right, so you can renda cancel it into a dragon punch.
However, if you try to do this on a dummy, you’ll notice that the timing is weird compared to a renda cancel out of a cr lk : you have to wait a bit more before renda cancelling the dragon punch.
But if you try now, to do this after a whiffed close st lk (your opponent is knocked down) you’ll notice that the timing is the same as for a cr lk (faster timing).

Here is the idea, as your opponent is waking up, to do a meaty close standing lk renda cancelled into a srk with a fast timing.

  • if the close st lk hits, no srk comes out, and you can follow up with a cr lk into srk (safe on block) or go for the throw.

  • if your opponent lands a reversal, the close st lk will whiff and your srk will come out.

Is it a viable technique in your opinion?

This is hard to do, since you need to go neutral and hit Short, then input the rest of the SRK command fast enough. Any mistake will cause a funky kick to come out. Also, I do not see what the advantage of this over cr.Fwd (kara) xx Jab SRK would be.

I think you don’t get it.
It would be a renda cancel, not a kara cancel : close standing short (no need to go to neutral for that, you can do that holding forward if you want) then srk move + lk + lp.
You won’t never get any funcky kicks doing that move.
cr.Fwd(kara) xx Jab SRK is way more difficult to do and you will get the dragon punch whether the cr.Fwd hits or whiffes.

A renda cancel is a type of kara cancel, but anyway, let me see if I understand what you want:
(1) Whiff a cl.Short, and (chain) cancel it into another cl.Short that hits as soon as the enemy wakes up. Almost that same instant, you do a SRK, so that if the move does not connect - hit or block - you cancel it into the invulnerable special move? This would not work, because the move is not special-cancelable. The moves that can be canceled into specials are the ones which can be kara canceled while active.

If you want to (2) whiff cl.Short, then (chain) canel into cl.Short and renda cancel into the SRK, you would need to find a way to finish the motion within canceling into another crouching Short and renda canceling the next one. This is close to 6 frames minus frame skipping, which is probably hard without a programmable pad. Like, whiff cl.Short, input cl.Short as you start the SRK motion, finish right after it hits and input Short~+Jab so you can avoid an invulnerable reversal. Should be possible in WW, CE and Super, though, which are slower.

again, it seems that you misheard me.

however the (2) approaches what i meant, except i didn’t speak about two cl.Short, but only one.

=> cl.short + f, d, df+lk+lp
The dragon punch is kara cancelled out of a crouching light kick which itself is chain cancelled out of the cl.short = renda cancel (yes i know the renda cancel is a kara cancel combined with chain cancelling)

The thing is, for a reason i ignore, if you want to chain cancel a crouching lk after a cl.lk that hits, the timing is not the same as for “rapid fire chain cancelling” (cr lk x n) .
You have to wait a bit before doing the cr lk if you want it to get out (and so do you if you want to renda cancel a dragon punch out of the cl.lk).
If the cl.lk doesn’t hit (whiff because timed too early or because the opponent performes a reversal) the timing to get a crouching lk after the cl.lk is the same as for “rapid fire chain cancelling”.

So the idea is to renda cancel very fast a dragon punch out of a meaty cl.lk (i can do that easily) :

  • if the meaty hits, no dragon gets out and you can continue with a cr lk into dragon punch for example.
  • if the meaty whiffes, your dragon punch gets out.

Although i’m not sure the active frame window is large enough to do it consistently (2 frames).

I see. This still seems very hard without a programmable pad. And the reason the timing changes is impact freeze. There is stuff about in the wiki and in Chen’s blog.

:f:+:mk:, :d:, :df:+:lp:. In theory, I feel like this should work, but I can’t get it to work in practice. I can’t seem to kara cancel the st. mk. Maybe my execution is just terrible.

Don’t bother, man. This does not work for the same reason cl.Fierce :qcf:x2 + :p: does not: one needs a programmable pad to do it.

Is that because forward is not special cancelable? In that case, what about :f:+:mp:~:hp:, :d:, :df:+:lp:? It wouldn’t be as great as having the knee bash, but it seems like it should work.

it’s because you have to be a machine to input that, regardless of what you’re kara-ing off of. i’ve played with this concept a while ago and it’s not something a person can do consistantly in matches, if at all.