Congratulations Marsgatti! And yeah nobodys gonna flame you unless like dngr s papercut said, you say you ain’t that good one more time lol!
Nice write up Mars! How’d you get to be so S-RANK at bein’ humble? Damnnnnn… :lovin:
God Bless.
I’ve been busy recovering from such a kickass event and I need to prepare for a Statistics test. Just keep an eye on the channel and videos will get uploaded slowly, but surely.
Good job Mars. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :woot:
…And he was bred from HDR. :wgrin:
Team Babyzone representing! :china:
And then he took off the training wheels. :wgrin:
Lol pretty much, SBR interview he said it himself, ST all the way baby.
He said nothin about HDR besides namin some good online Guile players on HDR…
Huh? Never needed them for me.
Thats a bad analogy. This analogy would only work if all ST players played better on HDR. I doubt that is what the outcome would be. The difference between the two is purely opinion. 2 different games. some like one, some like the other. its not the same game.
I’d probably judge it on a pure character basis if I wasn’t being a smug bastard in response to a smug bastard.
In fact, I’d be really tempted to jump on something like that if it wasn’t dumbing down the issue. Kinda like… oh.
Agreed with papercut. There are a lot of cool people and strong players in HDR.
We just disagree on the game design.
Good Read. That made me miss ST soooooo much!
I have to say, for this whole time I always thought the HDR vs ST debate was stupid… both games are similar fundamentally, just play whatever you want to or is available.
But after playing offline, arcade ST for a weekend at SBR after not playing it in a long time, it really is just more fun for me. I don’t have any real rational or logical argument, arcade ST just has something that makes it fundamentally more fun to me. It’s a combination of the oldschool graphics, oldschool music, the hitsparks, just the way the game fundamentally feels and responds when you move the stick and press buttons.
Even GGPO does not measure up, I went on GGPO last night and played like ass, I’ve always been aware of the lag but after just spending 3 days playing offline arcade ST, not even emulated, GGPO just felt terrible and unfun. I can’t walk up and block fireballs on reaction, my jump timing is messed up, I can’t fake walk-under after grab with Boxer or Ken and hit them from the front. And I’m not even a good player, I hate to think what really good players who have an offline scene available to them feel.
Realistically I don’t know how Arcade ST could ever make a comeback and be a scene again, the logistics around it are too impossible. But I finally understand some of the OGs who would rather retire and stop playing FGs and just get on with their real lives, rather than play HDR or GGPO or SF4.
Yoo i gotta say this.
Mars, u so lucky man…real talk.
GGS bro. hahahahahaha.
Good to know you did good man. I always knew you had it in you. Don’t underestimate yourself ever.
HAHAHA JIMMY!!! he told me about that match…yeah that sucks for you man that rog is to Good