My suggestions on how OE could be improved

My point is they could’ve used that chump change for something other than Cross Assault. And I still stand by the fact that they’re idiots(flying in 3S players just for them to play an Online Edition tournament on laggy monitors).

I agree, I’m just saying that “show” ( its basically a glorified stream ) looks cheap as fuck.

Even the planning of the rules feels cheap as fuck. It’s a huge mess and I’ve yet to see anything particularly informational about the game anyway. The only thing that made me enjoy the show was Rockefeller putting the show and the host on blast in that awkward interview.

Lol. I hate the show but love listening to Aris on the team tekken stream. That guy is insane and creepy beyond belief.

He admitted on stream to using the woman’s restroom at a tournament out of laziness and getting kicked out, also talk of mirandas thighs is so creepy.

I like that Renic keeps beating people in matches. That’s a nice thing about the show.

I agree.

They could re-release 3s for that digital distrubution arcade service. Nesica, was it? That would renew interest in the game, no suicide batteries too.

That would require work by Capcom and they’re not going to do that unless a million people complain and spam Ono’s Twitter.

I am willing to be one of those people

I think a million people complain and spam Ono’s Twitter already, they just need to focus those complains to be about 3s.

I want soft reset back. But like Ryan I’m eventually going to get around to fixing my 3s board and ditching oe for good.