MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

That’s the character in a nutshell though. She is not Wolverine, you have to be willing to put in the work and god knows most of us here have tried. It has gotten to the point where people are playing characters they don’t even particularly like/prefer in order to win. There’s nothing wrong with playing to win but ideally if we are going to do that then might as well do what everybody else is doing and play Morridoom, Viper, Nova/Spencer, Wolverine/Vergil, and etc.-- I don’t think anybody here is willing to sink that low for Laura’s sake. So more times than not people want to see buffs without understanding the price of losing TAC infinites.

There are instant lv.4-5 frank setups without wasting any meter with X23 there. One is the frank infinite, but it seems more complicated than it looks. The other is jam session + double snap through a mid-stun TAC combo, instant lv4 without ever using meter. Through the specifications, Jam Session cannot be in cool down and X23’s combos are long enough to avoid TACing through Frank West to Dante. Of course we are banking on whether or not they don’t tech the TAC same way with the infinites. Again, a lot of whatifs but the trade off is that there is tons of options to lab.

I think if the game does get patched might as well have a back up plan because TAC infinites will be gone and stuff like X23/Frank/Dante will look a lot more appealing. Until then, I think I will stick with my X23/Log Trap though lol.

I know Frank has a TAC infinite in all directions, both midscreen and corner, but is it viable?

EDIT: I wish there was a delete button sometimes, but I know why it doesn’t exist.

The mid-screen ones don’t look very practical, the inputs look very fast for how tight the combos are.

I would only try these as corner setups, appears less complicated.

I want to pick up X-23 again. I think adapting Angelic’s team (X-23/Dorm/Shuma) would work really well:
Neutral game beam assist for left right
Double Relaunch
TAC Infinite with good damage
Dormammu’s Stalking Flare to Meteors ias one of the best DHC extensions along with Vergil/Spencer/Zero etc.
You can guaranteed dirtnap with meaty H dark hole
Mystic ray can be used to bring people down from SJ Height
Mystic ray like Plasma Beam comes behind the point character so it can combo break quite well
Dormammu likes Mystic Ray

Only problem is Shuma Anchor isn’t the best so my option is Magneto. Obviously Magneto is a better anchor and Disruptor is a faster beam assist for left/right mixups.

What do you guys think?

Dark hole doesn’t hit meaty, but you can do something like meaty ta l spaced at their ankle plus dark holexxdirt nap. Plus it’s enough lockdown in neutral to do uncharged ns +DHxxdirt nap and I bet mystic ray will pick up after a grounded dirt nap midscreen.

Only thing I disagree with is dorm’s infinite being match practical. He still has great TACs though. If infinites get patched I’m probably seeing about switching to dorm again.

You’re literally the second person today to ask about the mags/dorm pairing with* X23 so I might do a short vid or write up for it.

I meant x-23 meaties the opponent and they drop into the dark hole.
I tried mystic ray and it doesnt seem to otg quickly enough after L talon so its looking more like Magneto now.

Give up shuma and you forfeit what little air control he gave you and then characters like nova that also have beam assists will dictate the game… So magneto is better, for the price of making X-23 worse of a character… Just saying consider your trade off, your team won’t be perfect so maybe learn its weaknesses and create alternate versions of the same team for times you have to deal with a weakness in you main…

PS: if the people you play care about getting dirtnapped, they won’t get “meaty’d” often and they can learn the xf tech to get out…

It is possible to use a meaty TA L and hit them low enough that you’re outside of their throw range if they try to XF throw. You’ll still have issues if they XF double jump or something else to punish Dorm, but they shouldn’t be able to do anything against X23 directly with Dark Hole below them. Plus if you manage to make them blow XF early, just hold off for a bit and then first grounded blockstring you get dirt nap them then.

With all this talk about what is and isn’t optimal, I think more people should revisit the Doom/Ammy shell for X-23. It’s really impressing me how much I can do with this team once I got over my hate of Doom and actually started practicing it. I have an assist for every situation, I have multiple relaunch options, I have a match practical TAC infinite, a fairly reliable Dirt Nap setup with Cold Star, and the Doom/Ammy shell takes care of a lot of bullshit matchups that give Laura problems. After playing this character non-stop since day one vanilla this is the first team I’ve had that just works.

The only character who is still giving me some trouble is Morrigan, and even then I’m starting to find more and more that the matchup might not be that bad with this team.

X23/Doom/Ammy would progressively be my team right now if my Ammy wasn’t so terribad. I always said that if I found a good day to spend in the lab, then I should study Ammy to solidify my X23/Doom game.

In the discussion of what her best team are, that team is certainly top 3 for me.

I would be playing anchor ammy if I wasn’t so absolutely terrible with her. Her combos and neutral just never clicked with me.

X23/Skrull/Strange is a team I’ve been in the lab with for a while now and it works fairly well. I can get a relaunch/wall slam from Skrull Stone Smite a good DHC and mixups and safe offense with Strange bolts which are my assists of choice.

If you fellas or fellets have any tips combos and mixup ups just play playing theory fighter in your head or solid advice to throw my way regarding X23 and those assists. It would help a ton

Just letting you guys know I am running Laura Doom Plama and Wesker. I almost made it out of my pool at SJ7 but lost to Josh Wong in Winner Semis then Crazy Joe in Loser Finals. I am really like the team. I am also working on X23 Doom Iron Man.

Cool, Welcome back/good luck :stuck_out_tongue:

I play some X23/Doom/Wesker lets share tech hahaha. Nah for real I steal tech from everybody here but I do have some cool matches, though oddly I have more tourney experience with X23/Dorm than X23/Doom.

to the guy with 23/Skrull/Strange, you can relaunch off bolts so it’s a matter of what you want skrull to do. I feel OG does a lot more for her neutral and works with her shenanigans more than SS, but the extra dmg is always nice.

x23/doom/im sounds interesting.

I stole a couple things from Alukard actually. I can upload some of the tech if you guys want.

Has anyone messed with teams that have unblockables on incoming with ankle slice? Doom meaty sphere flame on the way down to push them in the corner, fly, ankle slice, unfly, airdash j. M, and dorm 2 destroyer 1 creator, ankle slice, M teleport j. H both lock them down really well and nullify pushblock.

This is probably the hardest character I’ve tried to make a team for. You really have to make a tough choice in terms of what your assists do unless you pick low tier.
As much as I’d rather not play shuma, mystic ray seems to be really strong for laura, I think its the only assist that is good in neutral, hits meaty on incoming, and relaunches after her otg.

Log trap and RB do all of those, too.

Wandles uses the incoming unblockables with hi/lows with his team (hulk/X23/IM). Pretty effective, in general. I should have two sets between Wandles and me uploading soon.

Wow, never thought to try this because I’m so used to running her on point and with the CS assist for alpha counters. Definitely gonna hit the lab with that. Kill the first character with a basic X-23 combo into Doom DHC, Ankle Slice unblockable, X-Factor kill the second character with Doom, hard tag and Dirt Nap the third character? I like.

Has anyone here spent any decent amount of time running Dante/mags/X23 in any orders?

After tfc, rr and im are splitting off to form a new band with ammy and I plan on going as high on the tier list as possible with X23 afterwards.

Mostly looking to yipes and dapvip for synergy, but any tips/tech would be much appreciated.