I forgot to ask this, I think this has been asked before but I can’t seem to find the section that talks about bomb XXX ouroboros. What’s the timing to do it ? I either call a bomb out or ouroboros, never bomb XX orbs. I manage to play S/D vs cable players well enough but once I learn this, I should have an easier time.
I know I sound noobish but I want to master the basics =)
Its quite simple once you get the timing right . try doing it as soon as you input the bomb motion, but not to quick or else it will cancel the bomb all together .
You have to do it very quick but be careful you don’t cancel into a ragnarok .
Just do it quick enough for it not to get cancelled and careful enough not to get a ragnrok
Heh, I’m a bit newer to the game… But i’m not a scrub or anything. Anyways, I have a couple questions.
With strider/sent/doom, after I activate ouroburo’s, When should I call doom during the jab’s? I seem to have trouble keeping them in place, a couple times i’ve had people jump SJ out of it during me teleporting.
Try calling out Doom at the end of ouroboros then teleport or throw animals then start ouroboros again . Do what feels right in the situation and adjust the trap to the players tepo .
still can’t do bomb XX orbs but strider sent doom is da shiznit. Sent provides incredible ground coverage. I lost 2 games before going on a huge win streak then I lost to team scrub , mainly because once I took out cable and his sentinel beat my strider, my sentinel is sub par therefor the expert sent/capcom rape the shiznit out of me but mission accomplished, I proved to people that strider doom can dominate any team if played right and I only played semi decent and still killed :evil: .
Just wondering, is there like anytime the ouroboros meter is slowed down ? Like after you kill a character of if you’re blocking a beam super or getting hit by some sort of super.
Well, if I’m not wrong, when you kill a character, the Orbs meter DOES slow down…but that is because the game is slowed down…so yeah, it doesn’t increase the duration technically. block stun i believe the meter still goes at its usual pace. Trying to remember back to Rogue, when you absorbed somethinga power something could happen, and her meter would stop for a second…anyone have an idea of what I’m talking about?
I’m starting to get the timing down on bomb XX ouroboros and all the cable players are hesitant to ahvb me :evil: . How much damage in percentage of strider’s life does one hyper viper beam do ?
i could take a good guess, afta being fried by a billion AHVB…first one takez about a lil more then half if mashed to full extent…two usually meanz crippled or DEAD strider
This thread is the most useful Strider thread and if it isn’t on the first page, people are going to ask question that are already answered. This is a great thread to use to overview your Strider knowledge. If you go through reading this whole thread, your Strider IQ will probibly go up by like 10. Hah.
Sentinel/Strider [beta] vs. Sentinel/anti-air
opponent is caught in air
sj. lk xx fly xx uf lk, lk & assist xx unfly xx hp
As you’re coming down, Strider should come out wherever the opponent is on screen… Most likely on the far opposite side and stops the opponent from re-flying with their Sentinel and gives the advantage to your flying Sentinel [options to re-fly or get some HP tags on them]
I mean a few small mundane things when they first see Strider blocking his attack (or not; in which case you go for super)
They will probably AA as they are falling in the air and bouncing off the ground
Counter: land, s. hp, super.
Rocket punch will probably cause your death as Sentinel can time to SJ out. S. HP, while it’s plausible to sj out gives a harder time? I don’t know it’s just something I prefer. This case lets Sentinel to punish the assist easy
Sadly I don’t use Doom or I would do some rock combos w/ Sentinel
I can’t think of anything else for the time being but I’m going to try to mess w/ it more. Every time a person sees Strider out, they want to go crazy and kill him.
I think it’s a swell idea that you’re trying to incorporate Strider’s assist into game play. Many don’t bother because of the risk. I do that myself actually, I rather not take the risk. Then again, we use Doom so it’s easier for us to say that. I see what you’re talking about though. It’s fine but I do think that if they get use to the set up, they can punish you. You can learn to bluff it or have other variations of the setup to get rid of that risk. Overall I feel that it’s a pretty organized set up. Work with it a bit and see if their’s a back door to it. It also depends on how good your sentinel is. I’m pretty sure your sentinel is good since you don’t use doom. haha, people who use Doom rely on Strider too much, but in your case, without Doom I’m guessing you use Sentinel and Strider as equal characters with no neglect. You use tron, right? I gotta see you play one day, heh. You going to NEC?
Thanks Snake, I’m going to try some more shit this weekend w/ Sentinel/Strider [beta]. There’s a FFA ranbat I may go this weekend, maybe someone will tape me lol.
I’ll start baiting out using Strider and just mess them up all day!
I’m thinking of another scenario for countering Sentinel’s sj. lk in your face.
Say your Sentinel is in control in the air and the other one is about to sj. lk in your face. Instead of unflying to block, could you hold diagonial upleft xx unfly xx HP?
The unfly HP momentum should give some more priority as it covers more range on the screen beating out the sj. LK if you’re far enough.
Doom is pretty solid for a lot of players here. All you have to do with Doom is air dash up as you’re falling down!! lol Shit works wonders.
Well everyones Sentinel & Strider should work together equally I try my best though! My tron is lacking hard though, all she can do is throw in the corner lol.
So in this situation you are on the left side of the screen?
And the opponent is trying to SJ lk you in the air?
Mabey im not seeing this right but, visualizing the unfly xx HP coming out fast, i would imagine that you would be in a better position to get a hit by moving up and to the right.
Well I would think the same thing but Sentinel and his beastly j. hp is too much that’s why I was considering up left or up diagonal away w/ the unfly hp to counter sj. LK
-doom beats out capcom at point blank so save doom for the ranges where you can plant him to stuff a capcom call. if you can, activate as capcom is getting beat up and punish with orbs
-make sure you get perfect blockstun or are out of range of the corridor during your ouro startup or you will eat capcom to the face
-snap in capcom and own him up. he has a hard time competing with strider’s zoo and will have to drop bar to dhc/ alpha out.
all the basics i can think of right now
are you having more problems with sent/cap or cable/cap and what are the specific situations where cap is giving you trouble?
Basically when ever I try to get close to him, and it messes me up.
Also mostly with sentinel, because he just spams fly and I can fly up with sent because of CapCom. Does Strider or Doom if anything against a flying Sent?