MvC2 Matchmaking

Gamertag: o0zarrick0o
Locale: New Orleans

Add me if you want some matches! LoL working on my Iron Man.

Gamertag: EEEKTOR
Location: california

Gamertag: bja eh
Location: massachusetts

I’ve been playing off and on since it came out on XBLA, so I kind of suck. I need some help with MSS and Matrix if people want to help.

Anyone wanna play a scrub? I play Chun, Bulletta, Sakura. Location and GT on the left and I get on weekdays around 6 EST.

Anyone want to play some Marvel holla at me

360 gamertag: HutchoftheKliq

I am usually on later at night.


Im down anytime dawgs, Holla at me bby

<—scrubs lol

Im down anytime dawgs, Holla at me bby

<—scrubs lol

gamer tag: RAWBZILLA

“looking for good comp, no fockin scrub ALLOWED! come get your RDA ass whoopins here!”

oh shit!!

is it rob or perfect liciouz?

Lol it’s me. Nizmor was kind enough to hook me up with a sweet ass set up! Thanks bro. Yeah so looking for decent comp, no low tier please.

looking for some matches to practice. i guess im a noob. i just wanna play new people


im online like around 11pm est lmao

Ima bee on marble till 530 ish, taking shots of rum for every match I lose.

So thats 2 already today =D

Hell yea. Playing you is gonna get me fuuucked up lol.

Read my sig. I would play but I gotta go to work later today!

lol nice. X-copying those rules.

Playing SF4 right now but who wants to play marvel? West coast here, no scrubs please. Team scrub is okay though :tup:


im hoppin on now gonna open up a public room , JUMP IN BTCHS!!!

lol i was gonna say the same thing, no scrubs too! thats why i cain’t play you! jk

hit this guy up for some beatings: Perfect Liciouz :china:

I finally got back on XBOX live. Hit me up if you ever see me online.