XBL: JohnnyForTheKid
Anyday after 7 PM ET
XBL: JohnnyForTheKid
Anyday after 7 PM ET
XBL ayasempai vfdc
I dont know shit about MVC2 lol, So im learning how to play now. Anyone wanna help me out feel free to add me
C Roi Ryu00
send me a game invite, message, or friend request.
im not a scrub, im not a pro.
im somewhere in between.
a lot of people quit or run from me whole match.
i can play a few low tier teams
some high tier teams
i’d like to play some one whos a monster withIron-Man or Cyclops since these are my 2 favorite high-tierd characters.
Team Iron-Cy-locke is the main team
Low tier = Team Black-N-Blue Juggernaut(Black), Jill(Black), Tron(blue).
oh yeah and im east coast so for those cali guys… we probably would have shit connection.
I live in PA so if you live from the midwest to Houston we’ll probably have a decent connection.
Whose gonna be online in bout an hr?
I’m on now… add me
im down everyday add me
im a scrub
add me
im fun
gamertag: liquidzamo
Houston CST
Yeah I’ve been looking for good games too, too many people bitch in ranked and too much low tier in player matches.
I’m usually online in the evenings, but I’ll hit up some of you when I get on.
My info BTW:
GT:Boss F1ght
Loc: RGV Texas CST
add me
i suck
im workin on cable
i’ll teach ya cable, he’s great against many!
btw you gotta get raped so eventually you do some rape-N :bgrin:
hit me up
tryna learn this game to improve my overall execution add me to play! GT: a Tanex Remains
XBL: its steph3n
Location: NJ
just got back in the country, trying to shake off some rust. hit me up for some games!
add it up. I’m on now.
gt? send an inv. if you wanna play. my gt is “not madwak”
game tag dialupslim. im goign on in 5 mins
GT dezmu, if you folks want to get ose game sin check me out
I’m on Western Canada
I’ll be online in about 2 hrs. GT is Phi Sonny.
Im bout to go on Eternalpwn13 anyone wanna run some?
Seattle player
Ushally anytime but on weekdays 4:00pm to when ever
XBL Back on…Hit me up …out to Shop be back in 2hrs