MvC2 Matchmaking

GT: mitmot83
Location: East Coast

weekdays after 8pm

is the only way i can play people i want is to play non ranked and do invites? and how do i keep from playin people on a massive amount of lag? it kills in ranked!

There is no way to choose who you want to play on ranked… that would make it open to abuse of picking certain people to boost rank.

As far as the lag… if you do not choose quick match, you can actually see the ping for a number of possible matches and choose the lowest ping.

Must apologize to all 16 people that got RAPED by nippzOR(mvc2 pringles, tommy boy, trr srk, etc and on and on) last night on XBL. He went to smoke his dewby and i tought i was signed on, haha!

that biatch got a free rankin boosta!

somebody tell my how the hell i end up playing Paxtez like 3 times straight on rank! that shit was too funny, nigga told me to finally go play someone else :rofl: just love this boo-sh#t online mvc2, just love it!

I’m from mexico and I’ve already played against vercette, commy, rominfinite, i’d like to play agains other good players, talk to them and ask them if they liked the way we played, we play with two accounts, III Hell III and the other is oIII KiRa IIIo, if you want to play against us, please add us, just to check our level see U all online

GT: Shintaco
Location: Illinois

Add me peoplez and mention you want to play MvC2

i handled my own when it came to it kiggggga!

This guy named Ranked number 0 talks the most shit i have ever heard lmao. He uses guile, ryu, jin.

no scrubs or dweebs, cuz deese biatches suck!

Perfect Liciouz on @ 5pm PT

Gamertag: Corrado RS

Location: Hempstead (Long Island), NY - East Coast

Times online: Kinda random, but you can usually catch me during the evenings.

I tend to run top-tier teams and occasionally mid’s. I’ll use lows for shits-and-giggles.

Looks forward to playing you guys. :woot:

Im gonna be on mvc2 tonite, although I do hate the way this game was done I do have fun sometime. It’s really fun talking trash to ppl.

I’ll play anyone if they want, my xbox is broken and my new one is being shipped so for now I play at my friends house under the name drjoeyhernandez. I think I’ve played a couple of u guys b4 good games even though i may have been shit talking.

Also, Fuck MsP on xbl muthafukka be disappearing and shit, I cant even try to block the shit, so jump back + spam cap FTW.

Shinybutu is my name if you wanna play!

Gamertag: janabendan
Available at XBL during: 16:00 G.M.T.

GamerTag: Lightsp33dTac0
Available: Usually after 8pm est

East Coast

oh yea i don’t actually have a mic. my stick is broken for some reason and the mic icon is always on when i play but nothing is coming out

i got dat fios shit is madness

Gamertag: aaaa120
Location: East coast (New Jersey)
Times: Pretty much anytime throughout the day, almost always on during the evening

I only started playing this game seriously after the XBLA release so I’m not that good, but I’ll gladly play people of any skill level. :karate:

loc:east coast
time: as soon as my xbox gets back(red ring) anytime

im lookin forward to beat on a few people!!!

has anyone seen the number one ranked guy on xbla?!! wtf?! everyone’s rating is under 5000 and he’s number one with over 536 MILLION!! hahahha

YEah, I know, that’s effed up.

how the hell did his rating get so damn high?