MVC2 Combo Video of Chun-Li ONLY

you just [COLOR=“Orange”]REVOLUTIONIZED chun li. (in my opinion). you made her damn f**king GOOD. Everybody thought of chun li as the crappy character who barely has any moves/fierces that connects to her specials. A lot of people thought she only had a sentinel-only-infinite. A lot of people thought she plain sucked cause she lost the ability to superjump-cancel-into-airdash-into-whatever very low off the ground… (in xmen vs street fighter she was the QUEEN of that, well rouge is the queen of that now in this game… she’s THE one that can do it VERY low off the ground, enough for it to combo). WOW. you just proved a lot of people wrong, for the better. Chun li although can’t SJ-cancel-into-air-dash-into-fierce/move low enough off the ground, ATLEAST she can still… a little, enough for her to do her rejump infinites. You amazed us ALL us non-believers with chun li’s… [/COLOR]

  • air to ground combos
  • air to ground to infinite
  • air to ground corner combos
  • connecting ALL her specials in the corner using air-to-ground combos are possible
  • triple jump flashy/fancy combos
  • assist being able to help storm do her double hail

Truely amazing man. I was a believer (after all, im a low/mid tier player), its just that I never knew chun li could do any of THAT! I thought she only had a sent-only-infinite, guess not. I didn’t know she could connect any of her specials from the moves above… wow. its because of YOU, that I’m picking her more. I still need to pratice her and spend a lot hours training with her… then once I’m confident, i’ll bring her to the arcades and show people what she’s made of! i think i’ll be expecting a LOT of…

“what the f**K”
“WTF, chun li can do that? thats possible?”
“she had a infinite?!?!?”
“what the hell…damn”
“DAMN your good”
“teach me how to play her!!!”

that, and the crowd going WILD. cause to see a person use a low/mid tier person to his/her BEST ability and potential will just make things really interesting. To see low tier players own top/god tier characters, is damn interesting. especially cause they not picked a lot and nobody knows their potential. I’m sure people are tired of all the mag/storm/sent/cable/spiral/ironman players huh? Few questions though (expect some more in the near future, after I pratice with her)

  1. only special she can connect Midscreen (using air-to-ground combos) is her air-kick-special right?
  2. at about 1:09, chun li does a assist-combo (involving mag’s proj). The rule is that you can ONLY call assists when you are on the ground, and normal jumping. I think you called her while you were way up there (SJ). which is impossible. you can’t call assists that high (SJ), only normal jumping height and lower. (unless you have fly, but chun li doesnt). am i missing something? how’s that possible?

and again… Thank you for making this. we really appreciate it. you shocked us marvel players a lot (for those who have seen it). You proved the impossible to a lot of people. oh yeah, about posting the actual moves/details explainining on how to do them was really useful. i bet people were gonna ask you anyways, Heh. again keep it coming… hopefully you have something next on your agenda? something to upload … maybe chun li againest Top/mid player video matches? :wonder: :rock:

OMG man… you just made all the trouble I got making that video worth!!! I mean… I didnt expected that much … from everybody… for sure… I didnt… cause… to me… since I discovered all by myself… I didnt thought noone ever ever tryed that stuff… but I started to try hard since ppl here jut made she looks like shit and all… thats no new stuff to you right… for ppl just to say Chun has a nice assist and nothing more…

I dont know ever what to say… really… I see combovideos allround from there… Magnetro’s, Commys, Joos, Yutakas… so when I posted my video, I actually thought that no one would like that much… but I wanted to wshow my first ever work… I Didnt expected nothing like that really…

But oh well… thx really… and to say… .My agend is not that filler, I’ve ben called to make an important combovideo (WOW XDDDD) and tahts it… but first need to fix my DC (think how I will do that … cause here the CD reader doesnt exist … looking for new DC or… dont know actually -__-) and then I will make a nEw video, better combos, excetended infinites, and more extrategys/solo/team and everything I know… for sure I will post!

In your questions

  1. actually I didnt tried. I will try making the otther infinites doynf the cancel… I think kykoushou dont hit… but… I wil try…
  2. U r right. Assist can be called only in normal jump and ground. Can you see the combo video again? WHen chun go to air, she does: lk, mp, stomp. thats stomp put her in normal Jump. then do Air dash, lk. Thats when I call assist, cause u just made a Stomp, so u r in normal jump as well, so its possible!
    Just rememberinh, Stomp puts chun in normal jump only if hits (conected or not) and one more thing. Its a one frame HK… I dontk know exatly all the frame duration, but in air, belive me (a thing I will put in the next video)… Can Fill bar insanelly Fast (try using the triple jump, corner jump as well when running away, u will fill bars almost like WOlverine in Marvel vs Street).

… and… oh man… -- to embarased --. dont know what to say… .really… thx a lot… thats all I wanted… more ppl playing with Chun-Li… seeing she is as good as many top chars!!! Just need to be explored… and to help I will show everything I know fore sure…

one more Time Thx… Thx a lot!!!

Good shit

Very nice chun combo vid ive been using her for the past month. Shes a really good character al around now u just made her better thanxz for the combo vid now i can make her a more playable character

dont worry… I will make her more playeble for you in my next video :slight_smile:

how exactly do you go from the stomp into air dash into

i’ve tried doing that for an hour and still never got it to connect

The secret its to wait, cause it doesn’t cancel you know…

When the Stomp hits, wait a bit (Maybe 4 frames… dont know exatly) then u do Airdash (U cancel the RECOVER of the stomp) plus Lk.

A little tip is insted of doinf PP dash, do f,f. To get the timing just see the video :slight_smile: hehehehehe

U can try too see Chun-Li starting the little jump she does when she hits the Stomp, if u can see she starting to jump, its cause u already late. I think thats the best advice I can give… Get The Timing…

shin chan, you are amazing
more please:D

This is definitely the BEST combo video I’ve ever seen for Marvel in the past 6 years. I’ve watched it several times now and am still very amazed at the entire thing. I didn’t know that Chun Li could actually pull off all those stuff at all. Hopefully new stuff like these can still be discovered even though this game is six years old. Major props to Shin-Chan man you truely rocks.

I’ve got a small question regarding the video by the way. I’ve not gotten the chance to try those combos out yet, but I’m just kinda wondering, were the air dashes done using f,f or pp? Which method would be easier?

Man… I dont know what to say… really… u guys r the best… thx a lot!!!

devilkidjin: Little secret… maybe 2 weeks for new stuf for ya XD

HP87: Man… come on… couldn’t be the best… XDDD I tried hard but… there r pros like Magnetro or Joo that made extremely awesome stuff…

Well… bout your question… the Setup I do f,f, the infinite in the ground I do pp.

Easier… mmm don’t know… I think its comes form ppl to ppl… I feel that f,f is easier cause u can time it slowly (The first f can be done when the Stomp is happening) so I would say its easier…

I think the best way to figure that out is to try and fell how is the best way to you (like ROM, Claw method and Slide method right?)

Again… thx so much!!! I will do my best in my next video!!!

I have a question

(this is the main reason why i don’t play chun btw)

when chun-li is above somone in the air and you counter hit somone with lk(or any other normal)

what is the best way to maximize damage?

i realize she can do good damage from certain positions


from a clean launch or from a grounded hit you get 80% life judging by some of the combos in the vid.

compare ironman and chun in your mind, think about his air to air counter hit combos. If you would, try and explain her air to air combo options. I think thats the main thing holding her back as a character, she can’t maximize damage from random air hits.

i don’t know much about chun or her ability to manipulate the combos, any response is appreciated.

btw, i’m the same mixupmike on combovideos, i wanted to shut those fools up:rofl:

crazy man, i never thought about using stomp the way you did. that’s some revolutionary shit.

Mixup: oh man… I was trying to make tha a secret for the next video… oh well…

let’s see… u say Random right? I have a couple options for you

The first option (easyer one),, sj.f+hk

It will cause a fly screen, then u can do the 1 frame mixup (not exatly one frame… I like to call like these cause u can or do a or a stomp+assist (The stomp is one frame lol)) so its really good.

The Second Option (a little harder but guaranted damage), wait, sj.lp,, jump,, sj.d+hk,, hk 1 hit, land, s.lp!

Here you can use the teory of double jump combo plus Shom combo (lol I got used to call like this…). The variation will be the height, try to control the oponets height with the double jump combo alone. the main thing is to make CHun-Li be a little below the middle of the body of the char, that way will be easyer to make the setup to everything!

And Thanks for the support all you guys r givin to me!!! THX A LOT!!!

EDIT: Forgot, You can too use:,, 1 hit.

THis option its worth to correct height! when u get used It will be easy. will go the char go up will do the char go up a little more

but that option work better in corner and when u falling… not a really good option, but just saying it works!

Mixup: oh man… I was trying to make tha a secret for the next video… oh well…

~ you got me thinking about it so i had to ask :sweat:

let’s see… u say Random right?

~i mean that somone sj's at you from underneath and you hit them with a light attack for a counter hit. ironman easily can do uf fp and big combo, no matter where he is on the screen. Thats the same concept i'm trying to understand with chunna

The first option (the main one), SJ.HK 1 hit, land, s.lp

~ can you explain what height you are at during the counter hit for future posts? i'm not good enough to visualize what height you are at for the combos.

I know, most of the times its hard to do, but Just showing what is one of the main thing U r aiming to do., wait,, sj.d+hk, dash blablabla
Thats an option for a situation where the opponent is a litte far.

~ No matter what height you get air counter hit lk from is there a helper that will always let chun stomp them and follow-up for solid combo? i know that magneto beam will have to hit from certain height for example for you to continue combo. I'd like to be able to counter hit anywhere like ironman for even 25%  or something average. big dmg would be dope too, maybe somone like son son or capcom would work out well.

And that one I guess Is the best one, works in almost everywhere, anytime., wait,, hk 1 hit, land, blablabla

~~i'm confused how u can sj lk from like sj height and then do the above combo, would you clarify if you need to double jump then airdash for the above combo?

the teory of double jump plus dash with 1 hit HK… but we got a point here, since u will not normal jump in here u cant call assist, BUT u can go air to ground and then call assist/relaunch/infinte/reset!

I am pretty sure I understand the above paragraph, but what is the maximum height that you can hit somone and carry them down into infinite.

example, top of sj? mid sj height? max regular jump height?

I know this is a pretty specific request, but this is some new shit :sweat: 

I understand that it’s probably fairly difficult to break it down in english for me but, any help is appreciated.

Thanks for the beastmatic low tier

First off I changed the post hehe… found more easy solutions for you!

As I told you, hitting a in the situation u sayd

u just have to control the height with weaks combo making chun be below the chests of the char, then u double jump and do the setup (lk, mp, stomp)

correcting, that option works best in corner, in my edited post have a better solution, but that one works when the char is above chun

Yes… well… first option would be magneto… higher damage… U can also use Dhalsin AA (asme timing as magneto), really easy to use. But there r options that can make everything more easy … like Psy

with psy

launch /\ lk, mp, stompm, f+hk+Assist, psy hits, you land.

As u can see, the timing is a little different… but nothing to worry, same effitiveness

… yes u can use her… not as damaging as magneto, but really amasing setup in combo.
Cyclops a good option too, but u will not have a chance to relaunch…

launch /\ lk, mp, stompm, f+hk, cyclops hit, land /\ lk, stomp,, hk 1 hit.

Thats a good setup as well the damage will decrease but its good.

As I told You, remember the triple jump combo with only weaks? thats the thing

U can hit timed weaks to make chun go down enought for u to do the Stomp Combo… exemple

…|__ o

try to imagine ( I know, its hard) that the leg is hitting in the head height.

In this situatiion the combo have to be:, wait, s.lp., wait,, wait jump,,, s.d+hk (…)

if its a little lower heeight u can take off the last…

Just master the weaks combo (not hard ) then it will be easy to do the height control in these situation

The max height is the mas height u can hit someone! if you can hit a Lk, in the especific condition condition mentioned, then its possible, cause as u can see, both of then fall (chun first) in same speed so if u manage to make Chun fall first, then an height is possible.

Sorry If I wans’t clear in any spot… anything just ask… sory bout my english… lol… thx for the questions and cya!

Learn the Shin’s Shom XDDD

that shit is broken:rofl: :lovin: :rofl:

that’s what chun-li can do :wgrin:

I need some help ppl

I have already all the material for the next video… BUT… I cant capture it… my program is strange… only detect in black and white color, but I saw in TV normally and its fine… my VCR is fine… I tryed every combination of NTSC Palm blablabla and nothing…

So… can someone help me? list a good program or… a solution or something… -__-

yup, i will help
i use that for screen capture

no wait, you are doing it on computer or tv

VCR… but thanks… Its almost done the video… Kuwabara helped me thx