Mvc2 Charlie Tutorial Video

I can’t fu**ing register on your site :annoy: :mad:

^-- I can host it on my site, which doesn’t require registration…

Awesome Vid Wtf Bbq

Hey that is a pretty good Charlie vid yo!

Hopefully ill go to TS5 and get some casual matches going on charlie vs charlie =D.

Keep it up

That’ll be great dude, I could talk some charlie strats with you sometime.

and preppy I hope you can host it.

edit: bad ass charlie pic in your av

Additional host now available: [Higher-Jin’s Charlie Combos]( Charlie - Chapter

Tight. Didn’t know you could legit OTG from throw…

Are you planning on doing a Guile one?

I’ll be honest and tell you up front.

I probably won’t make a guile one.

Charlie has alot more potential than him, and i think that alot of people didn’t know what he had to offer.

Yea you can “juggle” off a throw and that’s what makes him so good, thx for pointing that out TS ^_^.

It’s pretty important to note that he is the only character in the game (to my knowledge) that can juggle off his throw from anywhere in the screen BUT he does have a drawback, he can’t turn around (you can’t press b+kick and throw the opponent in the direction you want, whichever side he is throwing them on is the way they’ll be thrown, so if you’re against the corner you’re out of luck but at least you got 60+ damage)

If that isn’t enough he has a overhead (which is another thing guile does not have) which combined with a assist leads to nasty and damaging mix ups , which i may cover if i find enough stuff to make a chapter two.

If i find something good on Guile i’ll probably make a video. Most likely, i’ll try to find another low tier that has potential and make a video.

I like guile but i don’t think i can offer anything that hasn’t already been shown/ emphasize shit you should do.

Thanks for your support though

Oh yeah and since mostly people dont read the readme file of any kind of thing, it says if ya can plz vote for the vid in the mlg site.

Juggs can. :pleased:

That vid was pretty cool. I have never really played him so I didnt know much about him. But I have this new thing of only playin low tier in Marvel so he will be a nice new char to learn. I also will prob jack some of your shit. :lame: I know, but it seems to be worth learning. Thanks for making a old game seem not so old. :encore:

I wish I could make an awesome Sakura vid like that:sad:, so much stuff to show about her. Good job Higher-Jin!!!:tup:

Sakura/IM/Sent for LIFE!!!:cool:

he can’t juggle off of it.

a juggle is when you otg them but they can’t roll,

the way you do it is hit them on certain frames when they barely fall down (you can NEVER juggle off of a sweep those are always rollable)

Juggernaut can OTG off of it outside the corner and he COULD “juggle” if he wanted to in the corner but it’s better just to do either:

a) head crush

b) launch into air combo ending in hp, hk, land, c. lk, standing hp (they’ll be thrown high into the air) try to go for a throw if they are still alive when they are on the way down. (timing is strict for the intial launch but it nearly kills someone if he’s glitched)

c) myke z set up.

throw, jump up foward, j. lk, (slow) j. hk. head crush.

and about using my shit

it’s what it’s there for dude,

use it

get as good as you can.

i may start a charlie thread soon, i’ve already found more shit that may be useful and i may even go over joo’s frame data on charlie and stuff.

:clap: Really nice video dawg =] glad to see someone representing low tiers instead of boring top tier stuff. yeah, charlie does have some potential

I enjoyed the vid and all, but I have to wonder how easily Charlie can land his throw on most of the cast. I mean I can see him having a hard time getting in against the big 4. He has no air dash and his regular dash isn’t all that fast. I guess a blocked air razor might work every once in a while, but nothing terribly reliable springs to mind. So I can only assume he’ll be relying on assists to setup throws, unlike ,say, mags. Please tell me I’m wrong though, I’ve played charlie in pretty much every game he’s been in.

Yea it’s kinda hard dude, but still it’s not impossible.

I think it is probably better if you don’t concentrate on setting up the throw but instead concentrate on trying to apply pressure.

I personally play team “Chub” it’s a dumb name i hope i can call it something else.


at least for now.

and I use capcom to help stop run away storms so they i can apply pressure/go for throws. (not to mention that u can use him in a ace throw combo like in my video)

and sent g opens up alot of pressure opportunities.

a neat trick is c. lk, c. mk Call Capcom + B+Hk (overhead)

it’s not a staggerring ammount of damage (35 damage iirc not too bad) but it’s enough to make them try to block correctly, and if they are busy concentrating on that THEN you can try to get in throws.

and you can always mix that up with a sweep instead.

he can actually even use his overhead to combo into psylocke and get a free combo afterwards iirc.

basically dont’ rely on his boom and ace throw, they are FANTASTIC honestly but they are better used sparcely from what i can tell.

You can also use booms to basically fill the crap with screen, Sent G + boom is pretty much free since he covers you from behind and above and your boom comes out and recovers fast and you also got flash kick in case they try to super jump or rush you down.

Dont’ underestimate HP throw, you recover fast and you can get in pretty close on them by the time they land.

His dash is good, it’s pretty fast actually and it reminds me alot of anakaris’s dash.

It’s not a wolverine dash, or magneto dash but it’s good enough, learn to wave dash it’s really important to get around.

his c. lk is also great, it’s 3 frames (same as storm’s) and it has ALOT of active frames.

The reason i don’t recommend boom rushes is becuase they have to be used a certain way, since they do fall out of block stun they can call assists and a assist like psylocke might mess you up.

booms are still great and so is hk “ace” throw , but don’t go out of your way to land/use those.

It’s called a ace throw cuz it’s the ace up your sleeve, but then again i haven’t played charlie against too many peeps so maybe i’m not the best guy to talk about strategy.

Just keep in mind he has a GREAT set of normals, air and ground.

just some things you should know

lp - Recovers almost instantly, i think it’s possible to link 2 blocked ones.

c. mp - gives more frame advantage than c. mk from what i can tell, this is important to know cuz you may want to set up a throw or something you may even want to stop for a second make them think you’re going to throw then do the overhead =/ not recommended though.

c. mk - sticks out really far, connects from c. lk at max range, seems to have as much range as c. hk. hits low (I know it seems like i shouldnt’ add it but some c. mk’s don’t hit low, e.g: cable)

c. hk - long range, comboes from, knock down, i just recently found out you can super jump cancel into a razor kick and launch but 2 things to note a) timing is somewhat strict b) of course you can roll out

standing hp - comboes from c. lk, can be used on short characters that can duck foward + hp. storm is the only one out of the big 4 that can duck the foward hp so if you want to connect crossfire blitz you can do c. lk, standing hp xxx blitz. It’s a overall good move and it’s also great in juggles to add extra damage or keep the opponent in hit stun in the air long enough for a assist to hit.

crouching hp - Joo’s frame data says you get it out much quicker if you use the d/f + hp motion. It’s very high priority i was testing this earlier and it trades with storm’s hp when it’s already out AND it usually beats it if u use the d/f command, it comes out in 5 frames which is great.

standing mp - even this has a use, you can use it in a fake out.
The overhead has charlie standing so if you do, standing mp, then sweep you might catch them off guard because they may think you are going to do the overhead since you are standing.

standing mk - used in certain comboes, also can be used as a fake out i suppose.

foward + hk - his longest range move, uncancellable but i don’t think you can be punished aftewards, it comes out alot when you try to go for the ace throw from too far away.

foward + hp - spinning back knuckle misses shorter characters, you can even do funny comboes like c. lk,, f+hp xxx snap out on sent, it’s the mainly used to combo in cross fire blitz although outside of a cross up i dont’ know how you’ll land that most of the time.

j. lk - anti air normal, hits high into the air, not too bad i usually omitt the lp and start from this move in air comboes.

j. d+ lk - this one cross ups and does so rather well, you can sometimes combo off of it alone but if that isn’t enough guess what?

j. mk - this crosses up aswell and you can do so from j d + lk. This one is recommended if the opponent is standing , j . d + lk is recommended if he’s crouching but honestly i wouldn’t rely on these, sf2 style cross ups are realy iffy in this game even when they work the way they supposed to.

j. hk - This has some mad priority, beats mag’s launcher cold and if storm isn’t at optimum range gives her ridiculous s. rh a run for its’ money. It comes out just as fast as guile’s at 7 frames. It also reaches really far (although not as far as guile’s by about a step away) but he has a much more favorable angle against ground opponent’s it still hits retardly far and i think it’s a good normal against sent if guile’s is considered one aswell. Test it out first though don’t take my word alone on this one.

that’s pretty much it.

He can still alter his decension by doing razor kicks a unlimited ammount of times as long as he is in the air.

another neat trick i want to share is:

sonic break (preferably full screen), wave dash into overhead then the last hits of the sonic break connect , and you can sometimes combo off of them.

it reminds me alot of a aegis mix up :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: here’s a block string i’m working on, it’s flawed but it’s not that bad.
c. lk, , c. hk, call sent + HP boom, wave dash x 3 (?) hk razor kick repeat.

Heya… while I appreciate your enthusiasm, Jin, and your first attempt definitely has some good shit, I’ve been playing Charlie since day one and have to critique a few things and make suggestions for the inevitable volume 2.

Getting in on the big 4 w/ Charlie is more than “kinda hard”. It’s a total fucking chore. While he has a better time than most of the low/mid-low tiers thanks to spamming air razors and being able to follow in booms, you have to work 5x as hard as an MSP or a Team Scrub to get half the results. Charlie really doesn’t have a reliable rushdown stopper unless you wanna waste a spot on Commando.

When I do air razor mix-ups, the throw is a vital component.

While Commando does help in shutting down Storm, he’s still an average point at best and is a liability in a team already hampered by a mid-low point man. I prefer Cable as my AAA. (I usually play Charlie-B/Storm/Cable or Ruby/Sent/Charlie)

Two years ago, maybe. When you’ve got Magnus coming down on you like R. Kelly on a 15-year-old, Sent-G is too damn slow. When you’ve already got position, Sent-G rules… but the number of times you’ll be in that position in a match doesn’t warrant its use.

By that logic, Spiral/Sent should still be top tier. Simply filling the screen with shit isn’t an effective strategy anymore in Marvel (unless you’re Cable… and even that doesn’t work as well it used to). Magnus is too fast, Sent un-fly makes him too versatile, and push-block calling in general just eats those old strats for breakfast.

Plus you can do wave-dash mix-ups and set-up air throws at or near the corner.

MvC2 101.

This is one of the most important aspects of Charlie’s game… when you’ve got people locked down with air razors and Doom B/Storm A/Sent G/whatever, that has deceiving speed. I’ve made comebacks with Charlie alone just because people underestimate the speed of and the recovery time of air razors.

Spamming booms is never a good idea unless you wanna get killed. They recover too slowly and the big 4 all have easy answers for regular projectiles.

That answers that question.

Seriously, I encourage more people to use Charlie because he does have the tools to be one of the mid/mid-low characters (like double Wolvie, Juggs, Ruby, etc.) that can sneak out a win against the big 4 if you play tight and mistake-free. I’ll come back with some strats/combos later when I have some more free time.

hope you can put in more feed back, i’d like to get better with charlie and i’m sure some people would too.

i know charlie still has alot going for him.

i’d put charlie over alot of the middle tier, i’d still say lowest 2nd tier , top middle tier at best.

his hk throw is something that trancends the need for a intense high low game unlike most other rush down characters.

He can do damage off of throw, off a low, or off a overhead i’d definitely say he’s got tools.

His normals are great, and his specials are real good too.

Spiral sent may not be top tier but think of it this way, if you get a boom on the screen for free you can follow it up for “free” offense. I know it isn’t completely free but it’s still a sonic boom which does have pretty good recovery, yea i realize a assist might get in the way but it’s still something to look into.

Right now my team is Charlie/Sent/Commando and i haven’t experimented too much with other teams, and you still have Sent/Commando to fall on however it does put pressure on how good your Sent is.

What charlie team would you recommend?

and what block strings, strats and tricks do you use if you don’t mind me asking?

thanks for the feed back.


Great vid, Higher-Jin.
Thanks to Preppy for the link. :tup:

Funny that your team is Charlie/Sent/Commando Higher Jin, since my best team is Rogue/Sent/Commando or Team AggRogue.:razzy:

Unfortunately I don’t have the tools or digital know-how to prouce tutorial vids online so I’d like to ask you a favor: Would you be able to make a regular Sakura tutorial if I gave you the combos w/ explainations and strats?:pleased:

This is the thread where I’ve endowed every ounce of my Sakura knowledge.:bgrin: