MvC:I the 'Sales' topic (financial status of the game)

The Marvel franchise is huge in Asia.

The Marvel MOVIES are huge. Nobody in Asia cares about anything else from them.

From movies to video games there’s only one step.

Marvel vs Capcom has never been.

From the movies to the comics there has been one step…and yet few people read the comics in the USA. A really high-selling comic for Marvel is something that warrants printing of 300,000 copies. That’s not a lot.

In Asia? People care even less and those who ARE interested either can’t find the comics in their language or are intimidated by the complex storytelling that only makes sense if you have been reading for a long time / have invested in reading many titles.

Video games aren’t all that different. MvC hasn’t been mainstream since the 90s – and except for some standouts, most Marvel video games since the early 2000s have been shovelware for kids. Many of the games don’t even get releases in other regions.

It’s a joke to think Marvel properties (not counting the movies) have a huge following outside of a couple western countries.

Video games are almost as accesible as the movies.

With the comics there’s a big storyline and continuity barrier, as well as a habit you have to develop to buy each month. That’s way harder.

Its is ridiculous to suggest that Marvel’s worldwide success and utter dominance in films cannot translate into videogame success (or success in Asia).

People keep leaning on the claim that past MVC games weren’t popular in Asia, but this is not “pre-Avengers” 2011; this is 2017 where Marvel is the hottest name in entertainment with over 16 movies & counting. Spiderman & Guardians Vol.2 almost reached $1 Billion Worldwide in box office tickets this year, with a large bulk of that thanks to Asia… And Lord knows how much Marvel made in merchandise and DVD/OnDemand sales.

If Marvel loans you the license to make a stupid amount of money using their name, and you can’t; you’re doing it wrong, you’re doing it all wrong my friend. Even under the MCU restrictions, Spiderman, Ironman, & Captain America made Billions on Billions. People know them, people love them, the problem is the highly questionable game they’re in & shiesty suits behind the game.

It’s not IMPOSSIBLE for the games to be successful in Asia. It’s just unlikely. Outside of the movies many people DON’T CARE about these characters. They aren’t an ingrained part of society and pop culture like they are in America. It’s been clearly shown that people can LOVE something as a movie franchise and not want to jump in to other related media. Even in the USA that’s the case – how many new comic book readers have the movies pulled in? Answer: not many.

MvC:I’s main flaws are that it was marketed poorly and looks ugly as hell. But even if that wasn’t the case, it wasn’t necessarily going to be the runaway success people think.

Too many people on this forum have never lived anywhere outside the USA and have no concept of how unimportant Marvel is outside of the movies to a large chunk of the population outside of America. This forum is filled with hardcore FG players from America who grew up with Marvel properties. They don’t realize that out of all the people who LOVE the movies, there is a small percentage who actually care about the properties themselves.

Fighting games are a niche. Comics are a niche. MvC sits in the middle of a tiny ass venn diagram of people who like both. Even when the Marvel games were done WELL Japan didn’t care all that much. Without the hardcore US scene MVC2 wouldn’t have lasted anywhere NEAR 10 years and Capcom wouldn’t have bothered to make MVC3 at all. This scene is a purely American one and always has been, movies or not.

You wanna talk about games that would sell well due to Marvel licensing worldwide? It’s not MvC. It’s shitty mobile phone games.

The main problem is that Capcom itself doesn’t really know how to make their own games sell as well as NRS, and even how to make AAA games in Western Market. I guarantee you that NRS could easily sell a Marvel version of Injustice if they wanted to. Remember MKX did pretty well too because NRS knows how to a market a video game. It’s a testament of how NRS has more successfully business model then Capcom does. Injustice/MKX having the production values of a AAA game to, which is main reason why those games are selling so well.

Capcom fundmentally does not understand what casual wants in a video game. They don’t seem to understand that dumbing down mechanic doesn’t necessarily bring casuals. They need Presentation, Story, Content, Marketing to do well. If they couldn’t get SFV to sell as well as MKX, they going to have trouble making injustice sell as well as MVCI. I don’t think it has anything to do with Marvel IP only being in Movie form, more to do with Capcom not understand how to create AAA to begin with. For example Sony’s Spidey game is going easily sell in gangbusters more then MVCI ever could. There is no why Marvel IP couldn’t get Injustice Numbers if they had a competent team.

Disney Corperate politics is a problem too but again compare how Sony handles it compare to Capcom. It’s pretty obvious Capcom’s incompetency, and inability to market their games is the main problem here. I think what could easily happen is that Disney could pull Marvel licensing from Capcom, and just give it to somebody else. Edit: MVCI has the market that Injustice has, it doesn’t need Asia to do well.

lol @ everyone with their heads in the sand going “b-but the FGC plays it! casuals don’t matter!”

  • Fewer sales means fewer people playing the game. If I want to play something niche, I’ll go play VSav or CvS2. The whole point of moving onto new games is having people to share them with.
  • DLC potential for this game is really low if you don’t have a market to sell it to. You must be out of your damn mind if you think we’ll get anything more than MvC3 rehashes from here on, as that’s the only thing cheap enough to produce for a profit.
  • eSports? You really think this game will work as an eSport if people don’t care enough to buy it?

You’re effectively going back to the MvC2 “second class citizen” era. Accept it.

Man, it’s hilarious and yet sad at the same time to see so much defense for this game…

It’ll be funnier yet when people, again, come back to clamoring for the next MvC game only to find out another one is never coming and they should be happy playing MvC:I again because atleast they won’t have to watch out for updates to mess up their combos LMAO.

But hey, who seriously cares about lifetime sales, I’m playing the game, I want to have fun. Let me not care for the future of the franchise…till I want the future of the franchise: Motto of SRK since Third Strike.

That’s how this shit is though. I can’t control what capcom does. But I can enjoy games I like. Capcom is gonna do dumb shit always. I’m a gamer to my heart though gameplay is all I give a fuck about till the end. People voted with their wallets like I said they would. @“po pimpus” and @Xhominid should be happy that the market responded the way they did. The game is getting exactly what it deserves. We will probably never get another mvc again. But in the mean time imma enjoy myself.

I’m not happy at all with Capcom’s continued failures and bullshit. I’m actually quite livid because it ultimately shows me how little of a fuck they really give to those that will never be competitive players who care for the tournaments.

Hell, I’m even more mad that they are finally addressing SFV’s lack of content to the point where I may actually buy it for Steam but are completely content with making and leaving Infinite like this.
Assumption is the mother of all fuckups and I’m just plain up getting tired of Capcom’s.

But why can’t Capcom have the same integrity for their own characters, that’s what I want to know? Spider-Man goes all the way back to the 60’s and he’s still just as popular today rocking it in MvCI, Captain Commando goes back to the 90’s but he was dead within ten years, only hanging on to the winet ends of MvC2’s ass hair. Capcom have this huge library of characters that would appeal to the Marvel market, but they’re too afraid or too lazy to let them front a main game and let people see how interesting they really are.

Everytime we say another Marvel game won’t come out, another one does any way.

I wish someone would actually tell Capcom this instead of kissing up to them at every event they show up to.

Something is off, there is some sort of void in their customer retention. Usually companies have entire departments dedicated to acquiring feedback from their customers and sourcing out ways to address their concerns.

I dunno, I’m looking at Sigma and Jedah and they don’t look like they’ve missed a step even though they’ve been out of the spotlight for a long time. Sigma’s Lv 3 in particular is fucking badass.

I honestly think Disney/Marvel and Capcom should just merge (or be bought out), giving Marvel rights to a huge back catalogue of Capcom characters, but also giving Capcom the money to produce their own content with proper cinematic and comic teams. Disney’s increasing interest in eSports just validates that idea to me.

I mean, half of the original Capcom is gone, the new guys probably don’t know what to even do with these old characters, but a company like Marvel would know how to turn a character around, giving it a comic and possibly even movie features if they felt it. Capcom’s DMC reboot was a huge flop, but Marvel’s reboots are often huge successes, so much to the point that a character can die and then two weeks later start all over again. Capcom try but they haven’t got the financial faith to take the leap and stick to their guns, they always take one step forwards but two steps backwards.

I mean Captain Fucking Commando!!! Yes that’s his real name because he deserves it. He was the mascot of Capcom USA and was inspired in many ways by western sci-fi comics. How well would a modern adaptation gel with current Marvel universes? He is after all a western super hero. So why would Capcom think Marvel fans wouldn’t be interested by a character like that? Especially in MvCI that’s all about guns and lasers and gauntlets. This is just one example.

Ughh. Maybe we should all just flash mob the offices, slap them and tell it to their faces.

This is over 20 years old and even this is amazing.

Capcom is run by people who think everything with the Capcom brand should sell 2 mil by name alone or the game is a failure. Even if the game is literally a minimum viable product that falls short on most grounds for impressing people.