it usually ends around 9 or 10ish. the tournament is xbox only to avoid conflict between different console users.
Me, Grimmz and Lamerboi will be coming once again. Btw anyone, want to do any MMs before or after the tourney? First to 5 for $10 sound peachy?
it’s a wrap!
1 Lamerboi
2 Elcubanoloco
3 Grimmz
4 Rudy
5 Jack
5 Beef
7 Korea
7 Mynameisjeff
9 Marcus
9 Long2urhero
9 CJ
9 Mark
13 Kate
13 Raikanami
13 Tone
13 AJ
My fight money!!!
Fixed somewhat lol.
efff i missed this one again. i’ll be at the next one, maybe with a setup if need be
Man this thread is hella dead tho. It’d help to know if people are gonna make it out to this one :sad:
Yo i’d like to roll out to this but I wouldnt be able to get there till 7-715. Could that work?
It might depending on how lazy people are to come on time. Lately the tournament has been starting at 7
Me and Grimmz will be rolling on through once again. Hope to see more heads there. I’ll try and see if I can bring some peeps from a session 'll be having later today before I head out.
Right on Marcos. Last time was right after ncr so I can understand if people were burnt out but I’m always down for more people to come. Hoodaman are you comin through? I’ll start the tournament at 7 if you come.
:lol: Good luck everyone. Will there be video at all of the tourny?
today was hella disappointing. I’m just gonna have the last tournament at the end of the month on the 24th.
sorry man i didnt read your second post about starting it late until now.
so for the 24th is it still goin down?
Depends if people DO WANT TO COME THRU.
need ATLEAST 16 people + for it to give it a go.
Ilikemaaroni might not run if no one is willing to go and stuff, fair warning.
If it does go dan on the 24th, I’ll try to stream a station if people are REALLY willing to go down for it.
Yo who is coming to this because if there is no interest at all then I might as well not run the tournament. I am willing to run it even if we only get 8 people as long as there is enough to make a bracket.
Im down to come, been looking to play some non-xbl people.
ill try to make it out
if any1 is goin from the sac area and can give me a lift plz lmk i gt gas muny