not if he knows how to delay the backflip. its invincible too, so it ends up beating flame kick clean
They say Rufus is upper tier, so why on earth do I only get to play him like once in every 300 matches? No exaggeration there either. So I have no real idea how the match up goes.
Rufus is one of my easier matchups believe it or not. Must be the way i play against him. I have some matches with some really good Rufus who knew their shit and they came off as easy matches for me even when they started their pressure shenanigins. I could beat Rufus in the air everytime with a CW when he jumps and when he start his dive kick i just Flame kick him or back dash depending on how close he has me boxed in the corner. Thing to remember in this matchup is U2 is your best weapon especially when dealing with messiah kicks, block the first part and use U2 to catch the second part of it. Oh…it also works on his dive kicks, lol. I try to bait him to do these when i have the U2 stocked.
Starnab this is awesome thanks. Matchup knowledge i think is my biggest downfall and probbaly the main reason if i lose a match. Cant wait till this is all completed, looks like it has the potential to be impressive because a lot of the other character specific match up threads are really bad in other parts of the forum like the ken thread is badly organized
Nice one
Hate to tell you, but Starnab hasn’t updated this thread in months… This was created for vanilla wayyy back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
i thought it was too good to be true
ok so I’ve been understanding my match-ups so far but the only character that will destroy me is T. Hawk. Like I can handle a gief anytime but as far as T. Hawk is concern I really don’t know what I can punish. So if anyone has a strat ready in mind please tell me I feel a little P.O. that T. Hawk is the only character that can dominate me.
You can punish pretty much everything he has to throw at you. Neutral jump the condor dives (just neutral jump in general). Don’t qoute me on it but I’m sure all of Hawks specials are punishable on block (with rekka).
If you can take Geif, you can take Hawk. He’ll turtle like a mother F###er if he knows the match up. Rekka everything. Focus is useless and if you CW and and he blocks - again neutral jump because he is spamming 720’s. UNLESS he hits you with the dp, then you should scrap that and take your medicine.
Just remember, he’s alway’s trying to get you into a 360 mash. Just back dash or neutral jump. He’s got a nice Cr lp jab and a decent sweep so poke with cr-mp sparingly.
I’m not a top Fei- These are only my experiences.
Edit - I think his mashed Ultra 1 can catch your overhead - again - will have to check. Just stay the hell away! lol This match is a turtle fest.
Thanks for trying to put this together, but there is a newer up to date match up directory. Props. Thanks. Etc.