Modok online

Timeout MODOK with drones AND missiles? Oh my car… You must get a lot of ragemail I bet. :wgrin:

I dunno how you guys do anything online… I think I’ve completed maybe ONE combo online ever. I guess it doesn’t help that I play MODOK/Mags, live in a different country, and the fact that I usually quit after 2 matches because I get so discouraged. :looney:

Drones + missiles… jeez

I played once but I had to leave. Ill be on later today if anybody else wants to play, but I have been more focused on Dr.Strange since I plan on using him in locals and right now I’m trying to find a derpy way to get into the impact loop, but they ALL drop online which is making me scratch my head. I mean it’s not even that demanding…

I like MODOK lobbies but I keep getting invites when im laying BB so I don’t respond to some of them,

Good games to anybody i played

Btw Ill just share some of my training knowledge… :smiley:

I was trying to use Seven rings of raggador with modok and, as I thought, there is a DHC plan with the both of them. Of course it involves MODOKs Killer illumination and apparently you can get into the impact loop from there but the timing is strict as usual

It looks pretty good, but as I said it’s a pain to actually do. hopefully I can show you guys in one of the lobbies

Right now Im just doing a NOS and making ridiculous combos with these two

I missed a modok lobby? The rest of you need to add me. Be sure to have ryu face and the stream monster title when we invade lobbies. Or the Princess title you get from hero’s and heralds.

Gamertag: Mr Expendab1e

I do get a fair amount of ragemail for it lol. You should try online anyway and just keep at it, unless your connection just really sucks. Sure, some more advanced combos with tight timing become nearly impossible, but if you know that you can consistently do something online, it’s going to work offline.

i had tried out doom/modok/sentinel and modok/doom/sentinel for like 3 days and came to the conclusion that it was too op. sentinel drones are too godlike for modok and doom and missiles and drones means modok can zone for days. not to mention the synergy those assists provide when you do combos with modok… insane team. dropped it though cuz felt way too cheap (felt like my skill with doom was deteriorating because of reliance on free mixup that drones provides) and because when it came down to sentinel i just sucked iwth him.

By full I mean like 3 modok players and the rest were just dudes who found the lobby. I should have reserved the spots but didn’t realize others would join.

@WorstPlayer - I don’t remember which one if that was dreadmaniac or kensanity sorry bro.It might have been owo.

I’ll add your guys names to my friendlist. When I get home

MODOK with drones+missiles was one of the first teams I thought about using too, but I’m far too fraudulent with Doom (spam footdives) and Sent (spam pans) it makes me feel like a retard… So I settled for just one of them. lol

But the combos… oh man… the combos!

I really think it’s a great MODOK team anyway.

I love it because the synergy is ridiculous :slight_smile: The nice thing about it too is that Doom can go for a corner carry for a TAC into dok. I do hate using sentinel though, so I try to make sure not to lose both dok and doom with that team. I’m focusing on trying to get Chun to replace the robot, but she is so much harder to use online. She can corner carry by herself into a TAC to dok for the kill or go for a reset, and the bnb I use with her with one meter goes for around 740k with Doom missiles, but she just has a tough time getting in, let alone getting a full combo going. Sentinel has a tough time getting in too, but at least when you do get in, they are done.

can u put up a few cool combos with that team? just for fun? u know so i could steal em lol…

I’m about to go online, anybody else want to do a lobby? :open_mouth:

do you prefer dok/doom/sent or doom/dok/sent? I initially went with doom/dok/sent because doom backed with drones and barrier is so strong and versatile, also, he can easily carry to the wall to TAC. however, the more i thought about it, I could pretty much kill most characters in the game by just using two bars and wise use of assists in the corner. also, if i lost doom, it would gimp my modok play because i would no longer have missiles. I’m gonna try some Dok/doom/sent. Its fun but really, when it comes down to just my sent, sometimes I will even just give games away. I hate playing with sentinel, and if i win because i got a random frying pan to connect into face roll combo, it gives me this dirty feeling inside.

I’m such a marvel hipster.

LT play has a** great** modok. That sent/doom team is evil!!!

Very good games man,

I looked more free than hotel toiletries lol but it was a good set

I used to play a similar team but my sparring partner offline plays Zero, Nova, Wesker. Calling a lot of assists versus that team is just like screaming KILL ME PLEASE. Sans why my current team is kind of wtf lol

Thanks Sinder and good games :slight_smile: You don’t have a bad dok either

I stick with dok/doom/sent for the most part for the same reason: missiles are pretty integral for my extended combos with dok. Also, it’s nice to not have to deal with air throw shenanigans at the beginning of a match (unless, it’s another dok lol).

And I know I don’t have as godlike combos as Nos’s (seeing your combo vids in vanilla actually inspired me to pick up dok lol), but I’ll write down some of my team bnbs and resets that are practical online at some point (I have next to no one to face offline :frowning: ).

I may be on later tonight if anyones down to clown. I’ve decided to try and more DOK centric team. It’s going to be a painful process but honestly a more Dokcentric team generally comes with better characters than what I’m playing anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to just troll tomorrow and see if I can get to 4th lord by the end of the weekend… I wouldn’t be surprised if I got it by Saturday though

After playing ranbats, this game seems like a joke online :frowning:

but we all knew that!

MODOK lobby this weekend! (probably not tomorrow)

Am I the only one who plays PSN.


Did anybody see that old Online Warrior Epsiode where a mysterious MODOK(Rubeks) mindfucks Max?

He still uses that Baloon Bomb Assist that we all thought was nerfed.

Why don’t I use Super Skrull!?