MK9 | Reptile EX Slow Force Ball Setups

I was messing around with EX Slow Force Ball setups today and found some flashy things you can do. It travels across the screen slow enough to running elbow at your opponent and start mixing them up, even can be used for some combos.
You can check it out in the video.

Full on fucking sick dude, nice. I’ll be trying this when I get my copy soon. Seems like you can get some good damage off of this.
I’ve always liked characters with similar move properties, kinda like Dormammu’s fire ball hyper from Marvel.
Well done! Dunno how safe charging the ex ball is, though. Seems like teleporters could blow you up.

Yeah, EX slow forceball is basically Dhalsim’s Yoga Catastrophe if it were to launch and travel full-screen. Good setups if the opponent can’t teleport.

Yeah it’s only safe against characters without teleports. I was doing it in some matches earlier and it is safe to setup from fullscreen for the most part. Even if your opponent blocks your initial rush down you can change it up and try stings like 1,2, back + 1, (3rd hit is low) or 2, 4+3, (2nd hit is an overhead) to try and mixup your opponent while the Mega Slow ForceBall is still on the screen.

Here’s the combos shown in the video:

  1. Jump Punch, 1, 2, Backwards Ball, 3, 2, Fast ForceBall, 3, 2, 1, Acid Stream. (Corner, 2 Meters)

  2. Invisibility, Slow Mega Ball, Elbow Dash, JumpPunch, 3, 2, 1, Elbow Dash, 3, 2, Fast ForceBall, 3, 2, 1, Slime Trail. (Midscreen, 2 Meters) [Starts Fullscreen away]

  3. Jump Punch, 2, Slow ForceBall, 3, 2, Fast ForceBall, 3, 2, 1, Tricky Lizard. (Midscreen, 3 Meters)

  4. Jump Punch, 3, 2, 1, Elbow Dash, Neutral Jump Punch, 3, 2, Fast Mega Ball, 3, 2, Slow Mega Ball, Uppercut. (Midscreen, 2 Meters)

  5. Jump Punch, 3, 2, 1, Slow ForceBall, 3, 2, 1, Fast ForceBall, 3, 2, Tricky Lizard. (Corner, 3 Meters)

  6. Slow Mega Ball, Elbow Dash, JumpPunch, 3, 2, 1, Elbow Dash, Neutral Jump Punch, Invisibility, 3, 2, 1, Acid Stream. (Midscreen, 2 Meters) [Starts Fullscreen away]

I love this combos, only issue is anyone with a teleport usually can get behind you before you can get the ex-slow forceball off.

Your combo’s use way too much meter for no reason.

If your managing meter then should have meter at all times. Most of these combos were to show the full potential of what reptile can do. Many of the combos use the meter to keep the combo going because combos like Jump Punch, 3, 2, 1, Elbow Dash, Neutral Jump Punch, 3, 2, Fast Mega Ball, 3, 2, Slow Mega Ball, Uppercut will only connect if it is done with the EX version of the force balls. If you dont have meter all the time during the match then you aren’t playing right.

I think you could have done more for that first combo. I have one similar which does 37% with only one meter. Yours is about 27% with two. However I did add some more hits in yours and it came out to about 38% still using 2 meters. Here’s the refined inputs:

Jump Punch, 1, 2, 2, Slow Forceball, 1, slight delay 3, 2, Fast Forceball, 3, 2, 1, Acid Stream.

This still requires the corner obviously and still two meters but by adding in the second BP(2) after the JP 1, 2, and the 1…delayed 3, it boosts the damage percent significantly and its not hard at all to input.

The one I usually use though is:

Jump Punch, 1, 2, 2, Slow Forceball, 1, slight delayed 3, 2, Fast Forceball, 1, 2, 2, 1, Reptilian Elbow.

This also requires you to be in the corner but only burns one meter and does 37%. I would go for this one only because I’m not too convinced that burning an extra meter to gain the extra 1% is worth it. It CAN be though if your opponent has a pixel of life left and you wanna squeeze every once of damage to get the win.

Nice find though, I’ll be using it when I need that extra damage :wink:

Also, I’m pretty sure you probably know this stuff cause you’re doing the elbow dash neutral jump, WHICH IS HARD, but I still want to put this out there in case some people come across this thread and see these posts.

With that said I also think your 3rd combo is good but I can squeeze an extra 1% damage out for those situations where they are called for. It goes like this:

Jump Punch,** 1**, 2,** 2**, Slow Forceball, 1, Dash Cancel 3, 2, Fast Forceball, 3, 2, 1, Tricky Lizard.

This takes more inputs and can be slightly harder to land because of that dash cancel. This can still be landed ANYWHERE on screen. Total hits is 16, opposed to your 13, so again more errors can happen. So it’s up to the person using it to decide if they want to go for the 13 hit 47% or the 16 hit 48%.

Everyone take note however that when in the corner don’t dash cancel; instead do the delayed 3. Reason being that if you go for that dash cancel 3 and land it in the corner, you’ll more than likely miss the following fast forceball because you’ll be too close to the corner. This happens with a lot of characters where some moves wont hit the opponent because they’re too into the corner. Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

And for those who REALLY wants to squeeze damage here’s another:

Jump Punch, 1, 2, 2, Slow Forceball, Neutral Jump Punch, 3, 2, Fast Forceball, 3, 2, 1, (ENDING VARIES)

You can end it with:

  1. Slide (13 hits, 41%, NO METER)
  2. Slime Trail (15 hits, 43%, 1 meter)
  3. Tricky Lizard (16, 51%, 3 meters)

This can be done ANYWHERE on screen as well. The trick is the neutral jump punch which is a little tricky to land. BUT the benefit is in the damage. As you can see, with no meter and the same number of hits as your 3rd combo, you can get the same damage as my 2nd. Its a mix of my 2nds damage output and your 3rds hit count.

I have a couple of more combos that are more efficient and some that do more damage. If anyone needs some advice just pm me ;). Happy training!

The video is fucking sick. Thank you!