MK9 | "Let's See What You Can Do." The Liu Kang Thread

Like I said,it’s welcomed. I still feel no reason to spend the ex unless I just want to get in easily. I guess I just feel confident with my fireball mix ups from far away. I always used regular flying kick as a mix up to hit my opponent out of the air when I got them programmed to jump over fireballs. I still like to save meter for breakers or for punishing certain moves using the armor on my x-ray. I just feel like a parry buff was needed more than a kick buff.

Someone give me some ideas how to get in on a Noob player. When I have meter I was doing EX Flying Kick but then once that hits it throws him back away from me. How the F do I play Noob as Liu Kang? Help!!!

Edit: This Noob player was simply throwing projectiles from full screen. And because of this everytime I actually did get in he’d breaker out of my combo.

So frustrating.

All I can say for that match up is to keep noob guessing on what you’re going to do. I usually start out by jumping over his clones until I’m close enough to him to be just outside of sweep distance. You need to keep up with the noob player’s habits and patterns. Normally a noob player will just throw clones to keep you out and use his up-clone to punish your jump ins when you get close. Safe jumps are a good idea to get in on him. You can block his up-clone on a well timed safe jump then punish it with a 2,1,3 string into your b+3,1,2 reps depending where you’re at on the screen. The corner is of course your sweet spot for this. The ex flying kick is good for pushing your opponent back and working them into the corner. Just keep pushing him back and working those safe jumps. You can always mix those up with ex bike kicks an standing fireballs at a safe up close distance to blow through what ever counter he might have (ex bike kick is safer than fireballs obviously). If you have x-ray and they’re low on health then by all means use it if they aren’t doing well defensively or are blocking low (liu’s x-ray hits overhead).

If noob decides to try and be offensive and get in on you,just keep him out with air,high,and low fireball mix ups. You get a free flying kick off of an opponent knocked out of the air by a standing fireball. Use that to push noob back into the corner. Don’t try to zone him too much though because he can easily turn the zoning game around on you if you’re not careful.

Basically just keep watching what the noob player does when you get close and decide what tools to use based on that. Always try to keep pressure on him when you do get in. Remember that once he uses breaker he’s helpless for a while after that. Just use ex flying or ex bike kick to quickly get back in on him Once he’s in the corner he’s yours. When you get a knockdown on him,again,watch what he likes to do on wake up and decide your plans of attack from there. Only start to zone with him when he finally gets away from you and has less health than you.Once he does and you have the life lead just neutral jump over his projectiles and he may get impatient enough to come to you. If not,keep trying to get in on him again or just take him out with fireballs is his health is that low enough and you have a huge lead.

That’s how I usually go about that match up and it works for me. I’m sure someone else has more to add to this though.

Nice thread!
I’ve started to use Liu Kang more.
I like the fact that he’s a balanced character with nice keep away and zoning moves.