MK9 | "I'm So Pretty" - Johnny Cage Thread

I’m still confused about how switching stances affects the hitbox. Can someone explain?

Well have you tried? Pretty easy to see… anyway umm because you umm when you switch stances whatever limb you use might be closer or not you know? And for a lot of the sweep combos he has to be closer to the guy. Like right inside of them. Other wise its generally just better to go for duck k after sweep if you are far away as its really easy. But if your closer or are in a stance that has that limb closer to the guy you can get more.

Oh, I see. Thanks for that.

I made the first post before everyone decided to use tekken notation, if I ever have some free time i’ll fix it up.

Also, someone posted it but the best thing to do off of b+3 or f+4 is 2, dash, 2, dash, 2, dash 44, nut punch. If the person is crouching though when you do b+3 it can be hard to get a third 2 in depending on the distance as it doesn’t launch them that high, might be best just to cut it short.

Since the last hit of F+3, 3, B+3 knocks them back now as dailupsucky said, I usually use F+3, 2 as it gives you more of a mix up with some frame advantage.

oh and of course the whiffed uppercuts/teleports combos:

b+3 > dash > 2 > dash > 2 >dash > 21 > 44 > shadowkick (31%) this one has some strict timing especially in lag

doing this one is safer and easier b+3 > dash > 11 > dash > 2 > dash > 2 > 44 > shadowkick (29%)

Also its best to use the nut punch with corner combos cause u get the reset which sets you up for a option select kinda late on that but yeah

I love Johnny’s second Fatality.
“And the winner is…” SMASH

Yeah, I already knew that it was a reset. Thanks for the advice regardless.

JC is rediculous have you see the most recent up to date JC all of his moves are frame traps lol

cause its dat cage :wink:

When you frame trap someone be sure to let them know they got caged.

Note:meter best used for breakers until you get in dat corner unless your going up against a gay character like sub then use ex shadow kick to blow up them fire balls full screen

How do you guys go about getting out of Johnny’s pressure? I main Johnny and I know all of his moves, but some Cage players do so well with hi lo mixups, starting and stopping different combo strings that have little to no gap for a counter, rarely throwing in tick throws, etc. Against one guy in particular the only way out seems to be to try to block until he inevitably scores a combo and try to reversal or escape on wakeup, or mashing out a breaker. I can do okay to keep him away, and when it’s my turn to pressure I can similarly stay on him, but once he’s in I’m at a loss as to what to do. Plus all my blocking charges up his meter so fast that half the time he can just breaker the moment I get in.

I don’t know if it’s partially due to lag online since the few punish windows are so small. The only person I really play offline so far is my brother and while he’s good, he doesn’t use Cage.

well for strings like 1,1 and 2,1 you can normally just crouch those cages pressure is a bitch but it comes with a price zoners such as sub,noob,kitana are like 7-3 match-ups for him but normally i do alot of crouching 3 most of the time they just blindly rush in and stops them it even stops some wake up attacks to such as nightwolfs charge and cages shadow kick

Is Sub really 7-3 against Cage? Dude is super annoying and I have to adjust my playstyle but he’s usually fairly simple when I’m patient. He can hide behind ice clones all he wants but he can’t really do anything but throw out freeze or try to random slide, crouch block/ex shadow beats it all. The only Subs that really beat me regularly are guys that would probably beat me no matter what character they use. A skilled Noob player on the other hand is really, REALLY annoying to deal with :looney:

But anyway, yeah, Cage is really hard to play against. I see why I do so well with him most of the time now :rofl: When the game came out I didn’t come across that many good Cages, but now more than a few are out there and it’s tough. I guess you’re right with the crouch kick, I usually forget to do it since I’m too busy trying to see where to block/throw tech, or cram a reversal in where it doesn’t fit. Guess you gotta remember to keep it simple sometimes.

air to air anti air combos

j1 > dash > 1 > dash > 1 > dash > 4,4 > nutpunch 18%

j1 > dash > 4,4 > nutpunch 14%

either ways its all about gettin that nutpunch on em

also at evo i seen jop who of which has an amazing cage was doing D1 to anti air the j1 pressure then he could get a nutpunch combos off i think it went something like this: D1 > 1,1 > dash > 1,1 > dash > 4,4 > nutpunch but ya its something to take in

thanks alot