Mississauga December Thread

man i cant even name the amount of places ive been banned from

ill reach to emtc if people are going…post or msn me otherwise i doubt im going.

ah i would reach an play u james, but this snow looks deadly for my skin:sad: 3 mins out there would make me look like a slave.:tdown:

I don’t get it :confused:

You beat me to it.

I guess it’s because he’s black and snow is white like cotton. . . So, it’ll seem lik ehe’s picking cotton?

Random: My parents won a trip italy. Potentially have the house to myself… and by myself I mean my brothers will be there as well.


All I want is bitches, big booty bitches.

Working at the mall you realise how many fine girls there actually are in the world. . . :wow:

I’m pretty sure black skin dries out more easily. At least this is what i’m assuming, cause i don’t have a black friend who doesn’t moisturize on the regular.

Gerjay apply to RNS they need 1 more healer. See if you can make an app today because they say there was something wrong with the site. Anyways yea… if you do it fast midgeh says you can get in for sure.

Bry you can probably get in too. You have better gear than some of the new hunters that were accepted. Give it a shot anyways and i’ll do my best to get you in as well if you wanna play. James you just need a few more shadowcraft items and your set. I’ll get a barman shanker with you tomorrow it will take like 20 min.

Poeta is a traitor, i guess jason is as well. WoW scum!

DOTA is still the truth <3. Did jigga die or somethin? I havent seen him on DOTA in like a year.

brys been watching the sopranos.
so we 5 manned scholo last night (it was really 6 but we had a 53 mage with us and that doesnt even count as a member) with a warrior, 2 rogues, priest and a druid. im convinced that this is the best group you can have. 2 rogues is fucking ownage.

edit: if anything is going down msg me on msn or call me.
<— booorrrreeedddd

Poeta, I finally posted my application up, been trying to do so for a while. Well… since like 3 days ago or whenever you joined. But if they really need a healer badly, I could go out and get wow and go onto MC/BWL with them. Talk to midge for me, and explain that if they need a healer they gotta tell me so I can go buy wow again.

I’m bored. . . need weed and place to go

Give me some advanced notice and me, a dj, turntables, 20 of my friends, and 50 girls will come.

so who can guess what sucks?

No chronic and no where to chill.

wow, i excepted like a page of nonsense, but…you got it.:sad:

I was gonna say your mom.

black slaves have the appearance of ashy skin my friends, me being out in the cold would kill all that moisture all off of me leaving me with dry skin.

anyways i’m at justin, cvs2 is too damn confusing and hard to actually learn, still i’m kinda motivated to get better in exucution n see where that takes me.

so yeah… was in a scholo group with James today… Before the run I said “Im gonna roll on dreadmist” So this asshole guy in the group who i like to call cocktavius didn’t say anything so I was like OK sweet he doesnt care. So we get to the last boss… What drops? DREADMIST MASK! WHOOO. So i call need, nobody says anything, so I roll. I WIN! WHOOO! Cocktavius gets pissed off and leaves the raid then starts announcing in general that im a ninja looter :slight_smile: I get blacklisted and kicked from every Instance running. WINNAR. THANK YOU DR COCKTAVIUS.

Went to cheerleading finals on friday, 4 words…
oh my fucking god:wow: these girls are FIIIINE! so, we then go to my buddy adeeb’s place in laurer (waterloo) and party a fucking storm, then sat it was the finals, laurier vs sask. and we won by like 1 point, and got the final point like, 20 secs before the damn game ended, making laurer best in canada… so we fucking PARTIED UP A FUCKING STORM!!! o man, i went up with 2 26rs… didnt bring any back…

cant remember if i posted this yet, but i got the job at best buy (YE BITCHAS!) in audio/video section (mp3 players and what not)… so now im off to go there and do some shit… peeeaaaccceeee