Most of the time, there is never really anything wrong with the EMTC sticks… people just like to make excuses. They used to break down a lot, but not anymore.
Gerjay, i’ll be there at 10-11, assuming the invitation extends to me. Can you PM me your number?
Just finished x-mas shopping, you fucking cannucks are insane. ITS 60 DEGREES OUTSIDE, i’ve been in short sleeves all day. So much better than your shitty cold weather. Anyways, MUCH PROPS TO SAUGA <3’s, had a great time with you guys. Thanks for being so hospitable, and teaching me your crazy slang.
Extra special props to mr poeta. Thanks for letting me crash at your place, cook me ribs, drink your orange “pop”, play mad dota, and all the other shit we did. Make sure you tell your dad i really appreciated him letting me crash there, and we’ll keep in touch about the job hookup. I’ll def be back for T7, so until then…
There was someone sitting at my table with the name Etown. Sure enough the stupid mother fucker lost all his money. It was probablyyou seeing as how you’re a stupid mother fucker.
Whats the average price for a pair of wireless headphones? I dont really want a top notch one, just one that will last for a long time. It’s also just for the comp, because I know if it’s mp3 compatible it’ll cost a shitload more. So how much would I be looking at?
you can get RCA wireless for about $100, sonys lower end shit is in around that price, they say range is good beyond 100 feet but a lot of people have complained in reviews that they start breaking up after 30 feet. but if its just for being at your computer then it would be good
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry. I dl’ed Naruto 3 for ps2, and left it til now to burn, figuring i could bring it, but it turns out ONE file is corrupt… and the torrent is dead. :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :annoy: :mad: :mad:
Well, i’ll bring NGBC, though I have no idea why… other than mudmans hilarity, it’s a POS.