Midwest XBL/PSN players database

XBOX Live And PS3 Gamer Tag… DreStinson

PSN: Clown-Prince

NW Ohio

Play SF a lot at night, anywhere from 8pm to 4am.

Name: EmptyShiki
PSN: EmptyShiki
Location: Naperville IL
Fighting Games: HDremix, SF4

Location:Roselle IL
Xbox live gamer tag:Touhou Fuhai
games:SFIV and SSF2THD

Name: Yascha Martini
Xbox GT: YaschaMartini
Location: Hastings, MN
Fighting Games: HDR, SF4
Other Games: N/A

GhaleonUnlimited, PSN

I don’t really play either online much but feel free to friend me/hit me up if you want

Name: Rob
Live: i208khonsu
PSN: i208khonsu
GGPO: i208khonsu
Location: Mayfield, OH
Fighting Games: SFIV

Name: Erik VandeWalle
Xbox GT: NewtonPhillips
Location: De Pere, WI
Fighting Games: HDremix, SF4
Other Games: L4D, CODWAW, possibly others


Name: Joe Greene
Xbox GT: YiffyWolfen
Location: Oak Forest, IL
Fighting Games: SF4
Other Games: nothing currently lol

Humbag: Can we add GGPO/2DF Tags aswell?

Mine would be Indy for both and I play 3s and whatever goofy fighter someone can introduce me to.

im keeping it at just 360/PSN gts just because like on 2df and the whatnot there is no friend system yet

PSN tag: Queen_of_Combat

xbox live tag: CombatQueen XO

please put a note with Friends request if you are from here. thanks

Name: Brandon
Location: Northwest Indiana(im all over)
GT’s: Dyme is ballin(360) and Dyme is 1337(PS3)
Fighting Games: Anything with Street Fighter or Tekken in the title :slight_smile:
Currently playing: SF4

Name: Gary
Xbox: N/A
Location: fort wayne, IN
Fighting Games: HDremix, SF4
Other Games: none

Name: Mario
PSN: RiotGuard
Location: Indianapolis
Fighting Games: HDremix, SF4
Other Games: FEAR

Name: Jin
Xbox GT: koreagle
PSN GT: j1n-of-korea
Location: Green Bay, WI
Fighting Games: SF4, HDRemix, Battle Fantasia
Other Games: MGO, Gears2, Pretty much everything.

Name: al
Xbox: none
Psn: tfs678
Location: saginaw mi
Games: hdremix, sf4

I need comp for bison if you got it bring it!

Name: Chauncy “TRU” Talon
Xbox GT: Tru Talon
PSN GT: ChauncyTalon
Location: Grand Rapids MI, but from Kokomo IN.
Fighting Games: SF 4 360/PS3
Other Games: None. Worry about SF4 right now

up to the date to the ed