Mhinty's Template Thread

I def want this piece with my name EXO grey fox and maybe another cammy piece by this artist with a blueish theme?

sounds great ill start working on it tommorow =)

thanks! cant wait, can you stick the shadaloo symbol if isn’t too much work?

pm sent

Recently finished artwork for Exo~

Love it!

Gonna be opening Stick Artworks again! So come and get em they are free but as always feel free to donate!! :smiley:

Was wondering if you can make me artwork for my SF4 SE? Using these pics.If you only want to use one character use blanc both forms (the white dressed**** girl).

Just finished zombiemaster88s artwork! here it is~ send me a pm for any artworks!

Hey Mhint, it’s me… again.
Think I can ask for another piece of art?

Sure pm sent~

Hey Mhint, I just bought a Brawl Stick and I need HHH and The Rock off of it A.S.A.P. LOL. If you can squeeze me into your schedule I would appreciate it as I am terrible with artwork, and My laptop is running Linux so its a pain to find programs for me. I have a couple of ideas, I also have only ordered the Sanwa joystick (dark grey balltop) so far, I need an idea of what colors are going to be used for the artwork before I order my Sanwa buttons. If you could help a brother out, I’d appreciate it. I’ll check back on here to see if I hear back from you.

If money is an issue, Im okay with talking money to help you out. Whatever it takes to get these two off my FS.

HI I was wondering If you’re still doing art because I’d like to see if you can do a piece of fightstick art for my stick

Hey everyone! Going to be doing stick Artwork again sorry I’ve been dealing with alot of IRL stuff but its all taken care of! so feel free to order away


Was wondering if you can make me artwork for the Panzer fight stick (Template, Noir Layout). As for the pictures I want Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) I’ll let you choose the pictures.

Hey you still interested in artwork?

Been a long time MhintTea!

I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I’ll be going to the following cons this year: AX2014 and EVO2014.

Any chance you might be going to any of those two?

Hey MhintTea , i wanted to ask, if you could do for an Artwork of “Sio Ogura”


from the** “Nobunagun”**- Anime for an MadCatz TE Full - Template please?
I really like your work and i love this Anime, because it has fancy colors and the best [details=Spoiler]lesbian[/details] scene ever!