MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

Not gonna lie, I’d go work for Real Doll in a heartbeat. The CEO makes it sound like a really chill environment, and I really want to help bring that technology to market and make it as awesome and safe as possible.


man, you know people handing in applications for quality control left and right. :rofl:


Deez hoez ain’t loyal…


Dumb bitch snitching on herself. SMH. They’ll probably still try to say she’s a victim somehow.

For your weekend travels, I bring to you more words of revelation from Terrance Popp. Please enjoy/like/share/subscribe/paetron/etc.

I still get a good chuckle whenever I get reminded that women want the draft removed. :rofl: Even the slightest hint that they will have to get hurt, and they get scurred.


:rofl: I guess you have your choices to make, but damn.


Another one from the minds at


MGTOW are just like feminists. There are radicals in the group. Both groups blame the other sex for their failures in relationships instead of taking responsibility. Most of the MGTOW wasn’t even fuck over in family courts. They had a few failed relationships and made the excuse women are all shitty. The NAWALT deflection is hardly even the truth. Relationships and marriages become unstable if people are having casual sex before marriage. Now that women are having sex like a man women are getting more aggressive towards men. In the end it’s your your fault you failed. There is plenty of stupid people in both genders.
I have been going my own way over 20 years these idiots were worshipping women. When they didn’t get what they wanted to are crying about it. MGTOW are so obsessed about women I don’t know who these guys are going their own way.
I have seen a lot of infighting among MGTOWs and even with the MRA. it’s entertaining at it’s best. Just like feminists fighting each other. only shows the truth at the surface level. If you watch stardusks, coltain and csmgtow you will see a better understanding about female nature. is mostly dumb down version of MGTOW. has a strong cult following. Mostly atheists, while isn’t anti religious with the exception of Muslims. However both of these forums appears to be anti muslim. They don’t even know the truth about Muslims yet they call Muslim men criminals. So much for the redpill concept.

You can’t be happy being a mgtow if all you can do is talk shit about women. There are some MGTOW continue to have sex with women when it’s a real risk factor.

These forms are actually pretty anti-religious in general, it’s just against the rules to talk about religion here anymore as it only causes fights.

First wave feminism was needed because there was too many douche-bags that abandoned their wives/children. Many women actually fought against first wave feminism. Did you even know that? Women aren’t happy not due to feminism but due happiness in relationships/marriages and the work place is designed for men not women. Solving problems causes increases in testosterone in men and women. For women that causes stress while it makes men happy.

There is a good solution to that is not to stick your dick into crazy women. Women have casual sex tend to be crazy and tend to be more aggressive. It’s not clear if casual sex causing this or that crazy women have causal sex. Just like feminists cry about rape culture there are ways to reduce the risk. MGTOW just cries about it like the MRA does. And since you showed Paul Elam he attacked MGTOW.
There was a battle with other MRA against MGTOW but it seems pretty funny that actually likes Paul Elam now. Hating women is stronger than a man that throws a group of mgtow under the bus. Just recently another mgtow attacked the MRAs and the MRA got pissed off and attacked him back. it’s pretty entertaining for me. MRAs and MGTOW used to be allies until more and more women are starting be against feminism.

Dude put all your shit in one post, don’t post back to back like that.

Oh boy. We got another Shin Akuma in the makings here. :coffee:

You beat me to it :lol:

There was religion bashing, religion wasn’t brought up by any religious person other than stating that they are religious.

It’s cleaner for me and not cause confusion.

Thanks for proving my point?

No one gives a shit if it is convenient for you. It’s against the rules to double and triple post so don’t fucking do it.

man, it’s a troll. I’ve already got him on ignore.

however, for 9/11, I’m once again letting our favorite MGTOW veteran give his advice on this latest war that men face.


Why not fat chicks? well, this picture has a few arguments attached in it.

EDIT: LOL @ that videoclip. I hope that’s staged.


Another Paul Elam special for your Friday.


A rather decent article about bachelorhood, misogyny, and marriage. Give it a look.

My other computer is trying to block it. LOL. Silly silicon. You know not the power of the darkside.
