[ MGL ] Milpitas Golfland Arcade Mania Tournaments & Events

Still alive!

Okay, so summer is over and the busy season for Golfland is ending or close to ending. Some of you might remember the event that recently passed earlier this year which was a “testing of the waters” in terms of events at MGL with the new GM Scott. What some of you might NOT know is after the event I had a chance to speak with Scott regarding MGL’s future (event and casual play wise).

To sum up everything we talked about, Scott was very interested in working closely with our community and we had a few ideas as to what changes might be beneficial. Now I must admit I haven’t been to MGL in a while so things might have changed since the last time I was there so keep that in mind as I post. One of the many changes we had in store was to continuing the half assed head-to-head project that MGL’s old manager promised to deliver. As we went over the details we both noticed the general layout of the golf arcade and realized this isn’t going to work with how the cabinets are currently placed. I tossed out the idea of starting the floor plan from scratch so that not only the fighting games but the other genres could benefit from a new layout. If your familiar with MGL’s golf arcade you might notice there is a wall right in the middle of the arcade separating both sides, this wall is used to power the cabs that are placed there. Currently there are racing games lined against this wall but I realized if we could place these racing games against the side walls(where the fighting games are) not only would it open up more walking space but we could use this wall to give MGL a proper “head-to-head area”. I’ll try and draw a diagram of what I’m talking about:

X representing fighting game cab

  • representing wall

Player 1 side

Player 2 side

I also addressed the horrible condition of the control panels and monitors so hopefully he will try to replace these old parts. As to when you can expect all this happen? Scott wanted to wait until the busy season for Golfland centers ended before even thinking of making these changes (which is about this time of year). I’ll be visiting Scott later this week to see if he is still interested in continuing this idea and also to plan the next event at MGL :tup: I’ve been really busy with work and other issues but I’ll try to keep everyone posted.

Nice! It’s great to hear that MGL will be back to its glory days in no time! :rock:

I’ll be back to MGL once SSF4 AE comes out

push for them to get it!

Hell yeah lol. I noticed that the layout did change but i am pleasantly surprised that its not just a aesthetic thing. :slight_smile:

Hey hey, gonna check this out today in about an hour, and maybe again later at night. I’m curious as to how the new layout looks and how effective it is…

Ok so the new layout is nice. 1p on SF4 has a sticky stick, the spring is tougher than usual. 2p is fine. I didn’t bother to try CvS2. Surprisingly, even though it was dead (as expected), I still managed to play 2 people for about an hour. GGs

Why is MGL dead? :frowning:

still a good amount of people show on thursday for their arcade mania. I’ve been going once every two weeks

Really? I always thought Friday and weekends were the days to go.

Everyone should just go on the weekends when most people are free.

soooo any official news on whether we are getting an AE machine or not?

Haha I asked on a fb post about in the groove or something and they said ssf4 should be coming in by the end of the month.

When do people come and play sf4? I havent really seen anyone there on thursday nights besides for some kids.

In case anybody’s reading this now… i’ll be playing some sfiv there for the next couple hours.

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MLG is officially getting AE apparently. This is great news if true

Called in today…Guys says they will get it after Christmas. Looking forward to start the new year with AE.


Mgl has it!

MGL has it!!! H2H Set up!!!

Will we be able to use the memory cards?

KS2 Productions MGL tournament event coming very soon

Plans for our next event at MGL have been ironed out and is already underway. Details will be available in a few weeks.

And yes… AE will be on that lineup~