Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code

Ah OK thanks for explaining it.
Who is the little cat person BTW? I’d like to see some match vids of it.

That’s Neko Arc.

She’s generally agreed on by everyone except Frustrated Squirrel to be shit. Or, at least, that’s how it was in Act Cadenza. I’m guessing she’s still shit in Current Code.

Moons not only dictate how your meter is managed, but changes the character completely. Each moon has a different set of normals and specials.


There are two tiny characters, both regarded as joke characters, Neco Arc and Neco Arc Chaos. They have the worst overall defense, but if the opponent is unfamiliar fighting them, some usual combos don’t just work due to their size.

About the crow corner setup: Yes it limits the opponent’s options on wakeup. Crows win vs most reversals, Nero can hit them in the air if they are caught air blocking/shielding the crows, and if they sit down Nero can walk up and do blockstring or throw.

^Cool, thanks for the info.
BTW why is Chaos called Nero for again? @_@

Because its his name.

Because Nrvnqsr is pronounced Nero supposedly.

Melty Blood @ EVO 2016 (AnimeEVO)

Better resolution will be comming later

Melty Blood @ EVO 2016 (AnimeEVO) HD