A is jab, B is strong, C is fierce, and D is a different “drive” depending on the character. For Taokaka, D controls her dashes. For Rachel, D+direction moves the wind in that direction. For V-13, D shoots swords at the person, and basically counts as a 4th attack button. So some characters have 3 attack buttons, while others have 4. Kind of.
I assume you’re playing Litchi… D controls her staff. I haven’t played her, but I think it acts like Bridget’s yo-yo from GG, if you’ve played that.
Oh ok, I just wanted to know the SBO official so things don’t switch up fast and such. I guess I’ll go with type B, the drive seems much easier to control that way.
Litchi is mad fun!! Her staff DP move looks cool :p.
YO! Real talk tho’…BB is dat “America in the Middle East”, freeing the peoples’ from the terror-regime that is/was SF4!
GG’s ( sorta, lol) to Corrosive, 4r5(thx for hosting and Haku’ tips), MattComa, Zero and Proto…
I know I was bringing down the playing level, but I am day2 Haku-Men, LoL.
I will do my best to get online sometime this week. But I would like to host something down here (Woodbrdige VA) Soon…maybe even this weekend?
Mag, I am going to try and get a stick for PS3…I’ll hit you up when it happens.
EDIT:@Zero, yeah type A or B?!?! it’s not happening for me Son! Gotta stay Str8!
Ok D Rod, just hit me up whenever and I can bring my system and such.
Man, I always pick the worst character to learn the game with (well I heard Carl was harder, but Litchi is up there supposedly). Random fools pressing shit with Tager and raping my health bar lol. All good though I’ll learn it up.
Carl looks difficult as balls and on top of that he’s pretty much bottom tier. But in a game with only 10 characters that isn’t that bad. Plus he has like half life loops. So if he catches you on random shit he can F you up. Not my style of character though. I was hoping Arakune would be Eddie but apparently he’s somehow different. I just see black goop as a character and think Eddie.
im gonna be using noel…she has some cool combos…and alot of her moves have invulnerabilty on startup…thats kinda cool…but keep in mind im scrubby as shit at this game…never played a GG game or game this style in my life…but i have learned a bit from moose
Carl flew waaaay up in the tiers after he got the infinite clap throw loop. His play really evolved, it used to just be a series of sandwiching between puppet and carl for lockdown but now carl has all these setups to go into throw loop. Shit’s really scary when done right (Read: DIO’s later matches are god damn brutal).
yeah im playing noel too, she has fucking guns!! finally got a chance to learn some things about the game and with her. I have some nice flashy combos.
and wtf you lose meter at the end of the round!! time to start burning that shit, DONT GET SHOT