Hi I am pretty new with Yun and i was wondering if any of you guys would help me be less predictable and more effective with Yun. I am so bad with Yun it is not funny. Basically all i would do is jumping dive kick lp,lp,lk,mp, srk motion hk. Maybe i’ll add some sweeps here and there and switch the srk motion in that combo and instead use hcf lp. I am SOOO predictable and i need to change that.
Im pretty good at using Yun’s Geneijin in corners.
srk motion hp xx geneijin, hcf hp, hcb hp, toward mk, toward mk, toward mk, hcf hp, srk motion lp, toward hp, and finally hcf hp.
Can i get some help on using Geneijin when your opponent is not in corners? I’ve experimented and the most damage i could do outside of corners is 43 =/.
cross up with roundhouse dive kicks. land right in front of them with short dive kicks (then throw, lk x2 -> lunge punch or command grab. mix it up). don’t sweep it’s pretty useless. range isn’t very good. f+mk overhead is ok once in a while don’t get predictable with it cause you’ll get parried easily.
RUN AWAY AND BUILD METER!!! Activate, mixup to get them into a combo (command grab, low attacks / overheads). NEVER dive kick when you have GJ activated you’re wasting time and you won’t get much out of it (maybe you can cross up).
that’s all i can think of right now. hope this helps
dive kicks in GJ owns you, hitting or not hitting is a win-win situation, I love to knock down, then a quick crossup divekick which doesnt hit, c.lk xx palm, or whatever…
Actually… I have to agree with billykane on that one. Doing dive-kicks in gj gets you predictable and you often get punished for it. Sure it can work here and there but relaying your mixup game on it kills you. I use dive-kicks 1/8 of my gj’s maybe just for the mixup. I used to use them a lot before but i’ve come to the point where i find them to be, as kane said, easier to read. Every player i’ve used it against knows whats about to come and so on. Its a risk doing them and you loose pressure :S
I meant the contrary actually, I think it’s a bit dumb to never use dive kicks in GJ. They’re very tricky and the damage is well worth it. They’re only easy to read when you don’t set them up properly. Sure you can’t rely on them obviously, but never using them only limits your mobility and mixups IMO.
i personally only use divekicks in gj when i’m doing the whiff, c.lk, palm on wake up most think i’m either going to cross up or try to barrage them with dive kicks till they stand up or, when i’m to far away to do shoulders or lunges that won’t get punished,and i just hit em with a low dive kick that will combo into something else
i guess i was a little hasty saying to NEVER use dive kicks… they do have occasional uses. i’m gonna try some of the stuff you guys posted and see how i do. thanks for the input!!
oh and one use i can think of for dive kicks (the roundhouse one that is) is that it covers ground rather quickly (say you’re full-screen distance away) and safely.