Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PSN: Roll call!

PSN: Superior_Tech
Location: Chicagoland area
Teams: Scrub, Anak/IM/Sent, Jugg/BB/Tron, whatever. I try out a lot of teams, but my main is Scrub.
Level of play: Not top 8 material, but I can hold my own. I know my AHVBs, safe DHCs and some combos.

I want to play fewer ragequitters (AHVBx2 is aparently countered by mash xx disconnect) and people that can’t find the block button. I love playing people far better than me, or around my skill level. I play mostly in the 4:00-10:00 area on weekdays, and whenever on weekends.

PSN: Juggrknott
Team(s): Juggernaut/XX/Hulk
Playing: Pretty much since Day One. Stopped playing competitively about mid-2004.

[EDIT: Location, North Carolina]

PSN: garsh0p
Location: Houston, TX
Teams: Matrix (Storm/Sent/Cyclops)

been playing since dc version has been out, but only picked it up seriously recently.

feel free to add me and let me know you’re from SRK.

I dont have a PS3 yet, I play at a friends house.


Team: who knows, depends on what I feel like at the moment. I play the God tiers, but low tiers are more fun. I’ve become a bit of a Cable hunter after the noobs defiled his glory LoL

History: Been playing this came since it came out in arcades. Which is only a month or so difference from the DC release, but who cares. Never stopped playing, so Im pretty happy online play came as a breath of life for those of us who wanted to play but didnt have the competition.

When My PS3 gets here, my Username will be BlackLego. So add us both. My friend plays Strider/Sent/Doom

psn: ringopan2
location: sunnyvale, ca
team: rowtron

im a noob.

Name: MvC2_Roch
Loc: Jacksonville, FL
Team: Usually top tiers… but will play low-tier if the times call for it.

Note: I talk a lot of shit online so forgive me if you find it rude. I just get overhyped on that Mahvel :slight_smile:

Tough to find good competition on PSN as compared to XBL… so if you are any good please add me… (desperate for some good players to roll wit)

Name: TZMurakumo
Location: Vermont
Team: Dhalsim/Ironman/Sentinel very occasionally Sim/Sent/Cyke… used to play some Sent/Storm/Cyke

I’ve played since about 2001. I’ve been away from the game for a couple years when I was in Japan and Korea (to be honest, this is just tiding me over again until T6 releases as that’s far and away my main game).

I play about as competent a Dhalsim as you’ll get to face! =)

Location: Los Angeles
Teams: Gambit/Cyclops/Sentinel, top tiers (for fun)

played it when it released in the arcades. i got the import for dc because i wanted the game so bad.

average player… would like to improve

PSN: ProfessorBeef
Location: Sacramento
Teams: Cammy/Felicia/Psylock (yay I’m so bad lol)

Played it when it first came out, stopped playing before Magneto became the terror that he is, and recently started playing again. I’m ultra rusty, but I just can’t stop playing this.

Teams:Morriagn/Felicia/Rogue, Samurai/Spiral/Jin, Team Russia and top tier of coarse.

My roommate plays on my s/n too. Plays mostly top, you’ll know if your playing him or not if he sends you a dirty msg after a loss, lol.

As of late, i’d rather play low teir madness than top tier online lag fest. Marvel is marvel. But i don’t get pissed when I miss a shuma-gorath combo compared to a storm combo i’ve been doing for 8 years…

That M/F/R team was a blast to watch the other day. I seriously wanted to xcopy that shit because it just looked mean.

I don’t know if it was someone on SRK, but I ragequit the other night, and now I feel really bad. :frowning:

In my defense, I was trying to leave the room, but my opponent was confirming too quickly for me to leave.

Apologies to you (if you’re an SRKer)!

Username: Bboy_vRice

Teams: Cable/Storm/Cyclops (primary)
Magneto/Cammy/Iron Man
Dan/Akuma/Servbot <—Joke team

Location: MD/DC/VA

How long have I played MvC 2: Since it’s US arcade release, late spring 2000 (i believe). I lived in NC when I was younger and played with the arcade heads down there. After the demise of the arcades, I’ve been off-and-on ever since w/ my DC copy.

I’ve only regained my ability w/ my primary team. My Magneto/Cammy/Iron Man has gone to hell and I only use them on newbies now. If you see me using Dan/Akuma/Servbot in “Friendly Match”, I’m not really paying attention to the screen due to talking with my roommate, friends, etc. (Amazingly, when using my joke team, someone messaged me saying “I got beat” by him after I dominated the room for about 3-4 cycles. I don’t think he understood that all I did was Super Taunt w/ Dan that whole match :nunchuck: )

In case you’re wondering, I think I’m above average at most. It’s hard for me to tell with a lot of newbies still learning how to play. When I play others who have arcade experience, or know how to play prior to the Xbox/PSN release, I can keep up or get beatin pretty bad. (Even though the PSN rank system is a joke, I’m around #2300, for whatever it’s worth.) I play very old school, in terms of what I learned from the arcades and watching local NC tournaments.

Would love to meet and play with like-minded and same-skill people. I don’t think I can stand randomly fighting others, HOPING to find equal levels in Friendly Matches, as we all know that can be a bit of a challenge…

PSN : Kinderzinhu

msp, mss, santhrax

PSN: Chickenzulla
Teams: Cyclops/Amingo/Guile
War Machine/Cyclops/Captain Commando
Guile/Captain Commando/Dhalsim
And anything else I feel like playing…

Been playing since the Dreamcast, then on the PS2. Not sure on the dates though. I haven’t played on the DC or PS2 in forever though…

Djuhhh69Kock4 i play everubody learning msp been playing since release hit me up

zayboo814 i play all low tier and top tier lol. Im from memphis, TN somebody hit me up with a friend request and lets get the good games rolling because i dont get too many good games becuase people quit

PSNID: NewEraOutlaw1

Teams: Megaman/Tron/Roll
Servbot/Tron/Iron Man
Megaman/Iron Man/Blackheart

if your good add me


rogue / tron / sent
mags / cable / tron
ironman / storm / cable

if your mediocore add me

psn: Jarekov

Tronne/ doom / capcom
Jill/ Amingo / blackheart
Servbot/ servbot / servbot

and no im not kidding i do rock 3x servbot