Marvel vs Capcom 2 Exclusive Tournament [Has Started]

Next time yall over we hoppin on PS3 LMAO fuck handicaps LMAO

I was handicap too. :frowning:

I know LOL. I couldn’t even fastfly or inf. Not even guard break.

oh chetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt, i win the tacubayo.

psn - Super_duperkidd

email -

zone - central


daddy wants in

psn - blindfire604

email -

zone - DFW central

US of mutha fokin A

get on that crack

When is the deadline to sign up for this tourney??

Deadline will be December 16th, 2010. Then, I’ll be dispatching an e-mail to everyone that signed up to validate and work on the brackets.

If you are running wireless. I suggest that everyone goes wired. Also, do a test on your connection and a ping.

I’m down

PSN: Ultra Optimus
PM me for email
Timezone: PST
Skype: N/A
Region: USA

Hey GOFORBROKE, why don’t you put this thread on the Tournament & Events section…Maybe this way it will attract more people. And where the hell is ArmandoXlll?? I know the dude would sign up for this???

I believe the Tournament and Events is for a local stuff. That is why I posted in the Playstation forum only since it’s part of Playstation and it’s an online community.

hey mystic how do you post your ping test and damn you have some low ping I wish I could have that


Here is the link to do a ping test. - The Global Broadband Quality Test


That’s pretty good. Especially, when you’re 250 +miles away from my server, yet, I have a B+

So, I guess we have to post our ping tests, too? Here’s mine. Yay for the A grade :D.

~ Sokloeum

It’s not a requirement. It’s just to alert your status of your connection. If you’re getting a C or a D…Chances is, you’re gonna lag your opponent. I had a D and it was lagging me.

Oh, I see. Guess that means all the time I was playing against other people, they were lagging against me. Now no one can complain about me lagging then. That’s good to know :D.

Man, I can’t imagine what a D connection must be like–maybe it’s like playing in a 300+ ping room a.k.a. lag hell. And you have only 13 ping on wireless? Your wired connection must be godlike.

~ Sokloeum

When I am wired. I am running at least 20-30MB depending what my server can handle. Overall, this helps a little since you know what your connection is standing at. So, for those who are running router. It’s best to check your connection and ping and ensure that no-one in your house hold is lagging you.

This is a test when I am downloading and playing Marvel vs Capcom 2.