Marvel Studios | The Infinity Saga ends

Teaser poster:

Hey, atleast there’s his solo movie…oh wait. lol

This Ultros guy looks p cray

You know, poor Avengers, I almost feel bad for these guys, the trailer’s completely dark and angsty, it’s like with every new movie they’re menaced to death :confused:

I would have loved to see just another group shot of them taking care of a menace single-handedly.

Maybe we’ll see that on the movie, however. But the trailers are… You know, every one of them more depressing than the previous one. It starts to make me tired :confused:

I can’t get that excited when I know there’s just going to be much suffering, death, conflict, grittiness… :confused: This is way too dramatic and there was too little heroism in this trailer, me sad :frowning:

Can be sure.

Not hype for Ultron, but I was disappointed from day one since Stark is making him.

I get the feeling Quicksilver is going to be ass in this, at least compared to DoFP version.

Oh yeah… I had to go back and save this… because you know they’re going to do a 2nd trailer later that is not even close to the greatness of this one…you can count on the later trailers being inferior in every possible way, probably with some terribly overused “classic rock” song in the background. I should bet money on this exact thing happening.

*yep, that was my Bob Bummer moment of the day right there.

He looks really ass, just like a Death Cargo character. Basically Plasma + Squalo, visual effects included.

I dunno, I was expecting shit to blow up real good when Scarlett witch was going mental.

Digging the Hulk’s Prius (or whatever) car throw/Superman punch combo.

Seriously… Hulk closed the distance hella quick. Don’t under estimate the big man’s speed.

It just makes more sense for Stark to be making him right now in the cinematic universe.

Yeah, I was expecting crazy shit while Scarlet was freaking out. She still seems to just throw red shit at people in this.

And from what I heard, Hawkeye has a much larger role in this.

Still can’t wait, lol.

Edit: I’m hoping they at least don’t fuck up Vision

I noticed dancers on the trailer. I wonder if this movie will show us more of Black Widow’s past.

Also, Thor better say this to ultron during the movie

Also…this will be absolutely guaranteed to be THE most badass robot ever to appear on the big-screen…yes, in the entire history of cinema. I need a time machine to get to the future so I can see this movie immediately. The hype has not been this strong in quite some time… I have already watched the HD version of this trailer a few times over already, in full-screen…

Co-workers will hear all about this greatness and see it tomorrow, whether they like it or not.

yeah, I need to lay down again…

Spader’s voice is PERFECTION. I’m all set on this shitty year, bring on 2015!

Terminator 2 is better.

any word on what witch and quicksilver are gonna be called yet? superhumans or inhumans?

after that we have DoFP Sentinels…which were literally* unbeatable* and bodied everyone FREE. They needed to NOT exist by time travel

@maxx‌ they are calling all future Marvel characters “miracles” as well as those two

They probably won’t be called anything special. They got their powers from cosmic cube experiments. If it somehow ties into the Terrigen Mists then we got Inhumans

we’re talking about marvel. they love labeling shit and trademarking the crap outta of it. this is the same company that co-owns the trademark/copyright/w.e to superheros with dc comics.

That’s the point! Ironic nursery tunes are creepy.
