Marvel Studios | Hide Your Eyes, Hide Your Ears



The in between data sheets Of the mini series states that a doctor who is studying sources of power thinks that Franklin is unknowingly tapping into a form of energy called “Godpower” and depending on how much he unknowingly draws from it is how powerful he is in that point in time.

The doctors notes go on to say that somehow, at some point Franklin was cut off from this source of power. So now every time he uses his powers he’s essentially draining his reserve and will become powerless.

Doom as well as Beast are trying to figure out the source of Franklins powers and why they’re depleting. The only thing Beast has been able to deduce is Franklin being on Krakoa is slowing the process.


Wait… Did Franklin become naruto? :joy:


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They are probably using her for her Normal form Jen Walters appearance rather than character’s She Hulk form.

Seent it

I wonder how much CGI will they use on Shulkie. I mean, well, yeah, she has a completely different height and build in both forms, so, it will be a lot.

Yeah, I’m honestly surprised they didn’t go the other way. Like they did with Chris Evans. He got buff to play Captain America and they used CGI to make him appear smaller. I figure, if she’s going to be She-Hulk most of the time, that route would be cheaper. Disney isn’t exactly rolling in cash at the moment.

I find this hard to believe

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Disney has been losing millions everyday since covid hit. Theaters being closed means they don’t get movie money. Their parks have been closed for months so no money from that. No one gives a shit about Disney+ unless the Mandalorian is on.


They’re slowly recovering but their theme parks are where things are hitting hard. not opening movies in theaters is killing the box offices they have gotten used to) I mean only one resort is still closed, Disneyland in Cali (and me waiting to get back to work). The rest are running at various capacities but Disney wants to be firing on all cylinders asap.


True but don’t underestimate the Scrooges that actually exist on board rooms forcing cuts for their profit margins. I doubt it will effect them long run but we may see a few things take hits like movie/show budgets especially if Covid-19 is still active and more or less unchecked going into next summer.

Most of Disney’s money comes from theme parks and movies. What has shutdown for basically all of 2020? Theme parks and movie theatres. To top it off, Disney took absorbed a lot of debt to acquire Fox. So they don’t even have a war chest to rely on.

Side Note: Disney + has actually done well but a $8 a month streaming service isn’t going to make up for their losses. Plus Netflix has never made money. So the streaming model hasn’t proven profitable as of yet.


That’s what gets me: isn’t Netflix kept afloat by investor funding? How do they not make money yet continually have investors pumping money in? If they keep doing like they’re doing, I don’t ever see anything like a big payout or even Netflix breaking even.

They make money. Netflix doesn’t give out their numbers, everyone gets their estimates from social media and other things. But reports on what they make or lose is purely guess work unless Netflix flat out says it



Link didn’t work for me


Of course Bosslogic would go for it…


I actually went to see New Mutants today. Its been 3 weeks since it opened so I figured the “rush” to see it would have died down.
Thankfully, my theatre was a ghost town. Only 3 people were seeng the film with me so I could distance easily and I wore my mask the full time.

This film feels like t was written by a bipolar person who both likes X-men and someone who doesnt give a shit.

I confess I am not a NM xpert. I read issues 80-100 of Vol 1 and the first 3 years of Xforce vol1 . I am unfamiliar with Demon Bear story, but generally know of the characters through Claremonts Uncanny and other stuff.


The casting and backstory for Rahne,Illyana,Sam and Dani. Illyana and Rahne feel pretty well characterized. Dani is the man character, but Illyana is the breakout character.

Special effects were decent esp involving Illyana.


Cannonball and especially Sunspot get little to do and less characterization compared to the girls. I remember Sunspot washing dishes more than anything else.

Sunspot and Cecilia Reyes are not black. Reyes was used just for her powers, but not for her character. Kinda bland personality and she is not supposed to be an evil or amoral scientist character.

The film is 86 minutes without credits, yet it feels like a 2 hr film. It needed some more excitement and action scenes imo.

For something that was billed as being a horror film, it is surprisingly not scary.
I am a soft scaredycat and I only felt dread once and it was due to a priest lol

A bland, unmemorable film with some nice Illyana bits.

Overall: 5.5/10