Martial Masters anyone?

I tried to the different versions and combos still aren’t working properly for me.

in fact Crane infinite works on both arcade versions ^^
for ghost you can roll on the ground to avoid it

IGS had a really good section on their site dedicated to Martial Masters, which they took down for some unknown reason, before I could see what the code did… They could have been the codes for Crazy and Expert mode, and maybe…

I’m still working on seeing if there is some type of code for playing as TLM (True Lotus Master)?. I did see on a French forum, someone had modded his MM cart so he was able to play as TLM… And it looks like there’s an extra slot on the character select screen as well.

I still don’t see TLM as being selectable, especially if it is the un-altered version of the TLM you fight last. The only way I can see him as being selectable is through a mod, like you mentioned.

There are infinites in the arcade version (I’m basing this off the U.S. version). I think Crane has one, and I’m pretty sure there is someone else who has one too. The emu version, last time I checked, was not very close to the arcade version and had more infinites in it.

FBA has support for Martial Masters now and it runs pretty well:

Mm ftw!

Oh man, I never thought i’d see the day…

I’ve been playing Martial Masters for so long. I still think it’s the most underrated Fighting Game to date.

If I wasn’t so lazy i’d do a comprehensive CMV on it.

I was looking through my external HDD and found this old clip that I recorded when I had a PGM mobo and the game. However, this is rollable. And it only works on certain characters. I had other stuff recorded too, but I think it got deleted…

Also, the emu version is just a port of the actual arcade version (obviously) so if you can do it in an emulator you can do it on the actual hardware.

drunken master has an infinite too in last arcade version

Yep. It runs perfect now! Thanks!


martial masters is a fucking awesome game, i play crane, and ghost kick, they rock.

Time to get back on that Martial Masters tip…Possibly one of the best games ever

No one ever got it to work on MAME. It runs, sure, but whole moves are missing and other such nonsense. Its a totally different game.

So keeping past emulation problems in mind, how can we be sure that it runs accurately in this FBA release? Does anyone have experience with the Arcade version? Clear Sky?

I never got a chance to play the arcade version, but so far MM on FBA seems good to me. I’m not having any problems doing the same stuff in these combo videos that predate this new FBA release.

I have the pgm (arcade) version, and had the mame version, but there was too many problems with the speed, control, sound, moves etc… That and it would crash after a few minutes of playing…
I’m working on getting my pc running again, so I can get a mame set-up like Clear Sky has, so I can test Martial Masters and see how close it is…

General Deamond also has the arcade pcb as well, so he can check as well…

There is a burst feature, but it’s more like an alpha counter.
And the supposed Ghost Kick infinite combo? You’re able to roll out of it, not to mention he was using mame for his Martial Masters videos. But the Crane infinite is possible in the arcade version, but it’s frame specific…

Sound should work fine with the new FBA release. I don’t know why you wasted your time trying the game out on MAME when a bunch of people here said it was unplayable…

Yes, people still do. Just ask for games on Godweapon or something.

Its not input lag, the combos just don’t work period. They don’t exist.

Crane is for me the god tier of this game
easy infinite almost doable from ohter side of screen
air throw , unblockable , air and ground needle
what else !!

You’re are going to get banned for #3 I would edit that quick.