this is so true amigo :tup:
it’s a bit of sore spot with my marriage. I’ve managed to calm down a bit since HDR first came out, and only play about 1 hr a nite now. I’ve also got a 13 month old kid so it makes things doubly difficult. But as people have said before me, it’s better than me out clubbing or sitting at a bar with a bunch of my guy friends. At least I’m HOME.
My asian wife has no problems with me playing HDR. Only time is when we have to get up early to go somewhere & its like 3:30am & im still up playing…
My daughter loves street fighter also…She usually talking trash in background when im playing against akuma/honda on HDR.
I have another daughter coming sometime this month. Dont know if i’ll have time for long sessions on HDR.
je110 is right on. It’s all about balance. Plus your significant other should know about all interests before you get to the point of tying the knot. I would love to play more but yeah, kids, wife, work, school makes it a little tough. But yeah prioritize and make sure she has something to do on her own time and some female friends to mix up her time. If my lady didnt agree with my hobbies we wouldnt be together. It wouldnt be fair to either one of us.
Good advice in this post.