Maritimes Thread 2011

Not so much as a money match per se, but them both just giving me the money

Drew, you weren’t there to see what went down last night. You missed it, bro.

Really? Because the deals you made last night kinda makes it sound like Shrub and I are walking away with quite a bit of money.

Dont forget you actually have to kill a character to get any money off that.

Ha! you make that sound like a challenge.

Nah, challenge implies it’d be hard to OCV you.

Well shit. I guess I shoulda came last night instead of playing Demon’s Souls!

I don’t really get why it’s a team money match. I mean, Bricked is so free that it’s basically just me vs Mesmer for the “2 v 1”. I guess he MIGHT kill one of Mes’s members. But… I kinda doubt it. But it’s super cool that Mes is giving me money. I guess he’s like some scrub challenging Diago: Knows he’s going to lose, but it’s the only chance he’ll make his opponent play somewhat seriously.


Just gonna leave this here…

Look, I don’t know who Savage Shredder is.

Never heard of that guy before.

I’m so glad this is on the forums, in a public space, that can be quoted for the next six months. You guys better start practicing the phrase “I’ve gotta hit the lab”.

Halifax scrubbing it up once again!

Savage Scrub! Scrub a dub a dub dub!

Does Seth’s wall dive beat out Sim’s knee Shrub?

Short answer, it looses to a lot unless it’s a meaty.

Shorter answer:

Longer answer:
There are certain ranges where Sim’s knee beats it, but mostly it trades (damagewise in Sim’s favour, but spacing wise greatly in Seth’s favour). The times it will beat it out are extremely spacing dependent, and if messed up, Sim loses 40% hp, loses spacing, and is put into a 50/50. is a more consistent AA in that situation, however, it is still unreliable, and the risk vs reward is firmly in Seth’s favour.

The proper options are neutral jump or back jump medium punch if you have the time to do so, or ex.upflame if you do not.

I, however, cracked. I don’t even know what I was doing. No excuses.

Honestly, what you can’t see from the video is the amount of people that were there watching, plus the stream. The pressure was pretty much insane playing on stream, especially if you can’t tune it out.

so banned

Haha, way to go Desk. While I’m not worried about seeing that in a tournament, as I imagine the person who used it would get insta-banned, I’m concerned about online. I’m sure some dumb ass troll would think it’d be funny to do it.

It has to be done in a double snap situation, which doesn’t happen too often. In MvC 2 double snap = GGPO anyways now you just have to wait for the clock. This isn’t even that bad, no OTG into relaunch infinite :frowning:

is there anything going on tonight or no…I feel work will be slow and I can show up