See, I’m glad you didn’t leave out the fact that it is popular. Also, did you forget that ponder is co-founder of this website, whose name and logo/slogan is attached to all of the fighting games that made Capcom big money this console generation? I.E. SF4, SFXT, MARVEL3.
GGPO is as good as it gets for online 3s. It’s either that or a straight MAME port without truly adjusted features like on SuperArc and such. You could also try and play that XBOX1 release of the game, if you want.
Support the non-Ponder version of the game or the Ponder version of the game…? To show an ounce of gratitude or not show gratitude…that is the question. Let me Ponder this for a moment…
I am not denying that people play on ggpo. Shit, even I find myself playing on ggpo. But even you have to admit that the experience on there doesn’t reach the levels that it does offline. Moments like the Daigo parry(wait a second…), the Pyrolee version of the Daigo parry, FFA Ranbats, Chinatown Tournaments, SBO, Japanese Tournaments, etc. I’m almost certain they didn’t decide to make 3s simply because the handful of players that plays on ggpo enjoy playing it on ggpo. I will concede that they used ggpo because it was the better choice regarding netcode given the disappointing precedent they left themselves.
You know what? This post is already too long and I’m sleepy.
You win. GGPO kaillera client made OE happen and that means that ggpo is good and arcade had nothing to do with OE.
PS. The combat announcer on ggpo is either fucking retarded or the sound files run on some weird loop that keeps getting cut-off and reset at the wrong time because everything he says is way off. Then again, today he was speaking differently. Might be because I tried fewer parries…
PPS. The only contribution I noted ggpo had exclusively was the over-abundant use of jab, cr. jab, and akuma tatsu into non-confirm fierce srk. Low forward meta game on ggpo is really weird too.
PPPS. Considering that he had no access to the innards of the game…he did a pretty good job with it. But I’m still too much in love with arc3s to give in fully to ggpo. Also, no one ever wants to play me.