i can help u but i wont be online until 2 weeks.
you can add me back, i know you remember me
Sounds good to me ^^ I need some time to at least get the basics down anyway. Whenever you are able, please add me and we’ll get started. Thank you very much!
i may forget to add so there lol
You’re maxed out on friends lol I just tried it right now.
lol just send me a msg then so i remember when i get on to add u.
yeah I need some sparring partners anyway. My psn is Repair_man_man5 add me
I main Makoto. PSN: Phibrizzo.
I’ve started maining Makoto recently. Anyone willing to help or spar with me, add me up. PSN: Fry_The_Solid
Also im from Europe.
I main Makoto, I have yet to meet any other good makotos.
PSN, skillzdontexist.
I’ve played you before, nice makoto btw
PSN lostfacture
I will add all of you guys when I get internet back…AE MAKOTO IS AMAZING! OH MY GAWD! (POSTED THIS JUNE 08 2011)
I also main Makoto.
Psn Devilstar22
add me please! i have been trying to learn her forever and i would love it if i was added soon …i want more training partners …i main makoto and 2nd fuerte
I’m working on my Mak too!
PSN: VocalOg
anyone of you guys can add me as well. ive mained sakura since sf4 and both sak and mak in ssf4 only because karin wasnt in the game so i want to get better with mak this time around
im on the west coast
PSN - aquatics
sry i forgot to post my whole PSN - Mun-chiSRK
PSN: mr_nezbit
I’m a turbo scrub, but I play for fun!
What’s with no one ever using focus attack often? I’ve been using them since SF4. Though not bad. It’s difficult to say though, I’d say I main Cammy but depends on how great the player is, no anti crouch anyone should be able to beat me. I’ll just say I second Akuma and more or less third Makoto. Pretty good with pokes, using command attacks and such tend to have a deeper game play but typically more effort without high priority, damaging combos or easy chip damage not to mention I don’t have a tendency to use command grabs much at all.
My PSN is omegasinnocence. I’m not a good player by any means, but I want to improve with Makoto. She’s an awesome character and I’m willing to stick with her for the long haul.