You sure about that? That’s mad stupid if it’s true.
From what I remember, V-Deejay was near top, X-Fei-long was lower mid’, V-Hawk was low or lower mid’, and Guile was like bottom. No idea about Evil Ryu. I would assume Charlie, Chun’, Karin, Rolento, Gen and Guy all moved up because of weakened V-ISM. Characters like Blanka and Dictator probably rose a bit as well.
What’s double upper?
Isn’t arcade upper the one which allowed players to choose Shin Akuma and Shin Bison by pressing start on their regular version? If so then it would be rather obvious why the game didn’t get much love anywhere.
Double upper is the psp version with yun, eagle, maki and ingrid.
Once I played the console versions of SFA3, I just couldn’t go back to the arcade version. I love T.Hawk too damn much.
I only play Upper because I prefer the increased variety of characters, and I suppose it helps that I don’t like to use V-ISM.
I’d still recommend the arranged version of SFA3 in SFAA, with the dipswitches adjusted. That way the console characters are available, but the game resembles the arcade version.
True. My thoughts exactly.
Which dipswitches need to be set to what? I’m all for this idea.
In SFA3 Arranged mode in SFAA, in the dipswitch settings, select 00/11/20ver to auto-configure the stars (dips).
Then go to “Customize” edit the following stars:
1-15: Unlit. (Builds meter from whiffed throws)
1-16: Unlit. (Crouch cancelling enabled)
2-01: Unlit. (Extended knockdowns from R.Mika and Juni are disabled)
2-10: Unlit (T.Hawk’s Raging Typhoon range adjusted)
So row 1, star (colum) 15 needs to be switched so that it’s unfilled, etc.
Unfortunately there are still a few dipswitches missing in Arranged mode that are switchable in regular SFA3. Most notably; Sodom’s tengu walking, Cody’s bad spray, and the air-VC invulnerability duration for specific characters. But for the available dipswitches, the game will try and act like the arcade SFA3 as much as possible (including Gen’s Jakouha, and Rose’s Illusions, etc).
There’s more information on what exactly this does here, and also here.
Could you please post them? Double Upper has been consuming my game time since I got a psp slim. The port is simply amazing for a handheld game.
I say this would be a good idea if not for the fact that the default SFA3U characters are changed from their SFA3 counterparts. Dhalsim’s boxes (most notable on his far crouching punches) and Ryu’s reduced Hurricane Kick stun points as two examples. I am pretty sure there are more changes. But the point is to be aware that even after setting the SFA3U switches as close the SFA3 version as possible, you’ll still be playing with slightly different characters.
I could probably deal with that depending on how major the changes are. I really wouldn’t mind Dhalsim going down a step anyway, lol.
Yeah I was vague. Thanks for clarifying Middlekick.
Though my point was really just that if you intend to play Arranged mode in the first place then setting up the dips is probably a good idea, even though there’s a few missing for Arranged mode. But if you want arcade perfection you need to play the non-Arranged mode (the normal mode).
No, you can still whiff throws for meter. I in fact did it a few times in the matches from a meet on the 23rd on my account. I don’t think the gain is the same as vanilla though.
BTW I really like Upper and had a load of fun playing sets with my friend and a Gamestop guy on that meet…I honestly think it would be nice if other people would play, too.