Clim, I’m pretty sure that we have to be out of the venue by around 10pm on Sunday night. So you should be able to rock an 11pm flight back to van.
Dont know why you would want to leave since the after party will be crazy! Unless you don’t party.
Right, 6am flight it is!
Now you need to fit Ricky into your carry on Louis!
What will determine whether or not Persona makes it as a side tourney?
All that’s keeping P4A from being announced as a side game is a news post. Jeez, can’t a guy just have a me day!!??
Yesss I must smuggle in Ricky!!
Canada Cup is only a mere 2 months away yet there are only 7 teams confirmed from the alleged 16. One can speculate AU, some form of Chinese and maybe another Japanese team but any hints on the more “exotic/unknown” teams? Like some sort of Arabian team? Or Latin American team? Or African team? Russian? Maybe the latter two aren’t as plausible but you never know!
Also can Canada Cup do what all other big USA major (the latest being Season’s Beatings) has tried to do and bring KuSORU over so we can finally see some rematches? There is a good number of Japanese going to Canada Cup and it isn’t in the USoA so maybe you guys can pull it off? Obviously he’s the only Japanese for UMVC3 “anyone” cares to see come over.
Also any chances of team introductions during the upcoming months as a way to build up the hype for Canada Cup? Maybe even something small like the way Tekken Buster do it so we aren’t as ignorant and unattached to the teams we don’t know.
Really hope you guys can fill the great potential Canada Cup has!
I’m getting pretty hype for this as well.
Any more info on how Marvel teams are being handled/happening (if they still are, officially or as a side thing)?
Got dat VIP registration. Gonna book hotel soon.
To add to this here’s what I’ve heard about possible teams…
Team Dominican Republic- This team wants to compete in Canada Cup. After VxG their boards are were talking about their 5th possible member if they go and one of the team’s 5 even sent a twitter to Canada Cup (or Lap Chi) stating they want to/are ready to compete for it.
Team Brasil- Basically they confirmed on the Treta Championship stream they may go to Canada Cup but commented on the tough expense.
If these two teams end up going having one from the Central/ Caribbean Region (DR) and a South American one (BR) is a nice representation! Out of these two teams I would say DR is the stronger of the two as in VxG they handled Sanford, Combofiend, Mike Ross on stream and beat iPeru on stream while BR wasn’t able to beat Gamerbee/Tokido. I suppose you can say Gamerbee,Tokido,Combofiend > Ross, Sanford, iPeru Combofiend but you can also counter that argument with one of the DR guys eliminated Gamerbee at EVO2K11.
Kudos to Canada Cup if these two teams can actually make it!
Unfortunately I heard via word of mouth that Kuwait isn’t going. Though the source isn’t reliable. Arkive, the head Dubai streamer also mentioned he would like a team from the region but that doesn’t look like a serious plausibility either.
Would be nice to see a Team USA (the one with Mike Ross) vs. DR “runback.”
Oh spiderman you gonna get it
Nuh-uh. Everyone else = Shocker.
Hrmmm . . . I wonder when we let the cat out of the bag on the next international team.
The country starts with N.
Also since Twitter already had this earlier today . . .
North Korea:
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Un
Kim Daniel? (Dan Il lololol)
Norway? Netherlands? Niger? Nambia? New Zealand?