Okay…uhh…how many people have MvC2 on PS2/PS3/XBOX, compared to Dreamcast? Hmmm, Id say most have it on PS2/PS3/XBOX, because DCs are not in sales anymore, and even if they have had it for so long, theyve gotten a PS2/PS3/XBOX since then, bought MvC2 FOR PS2/PS3/XBOX, and play it online, RIGHT? So, your comments are filled with misguided arrogance, thinking you know everything about the game, when you obviously dont…wait…see when I pointed out MvC2 online? Now, obviously, DC doesnt have online play, RIGHT? And online play is pretty much the thing right now, RIGHT? So, with my advice about Wolverine being better on console than stick, is accurate…RIGHT?
I wasnt talking about DC anyway, so youre jumping to conclusions, when you dont know what Im talking about, that seems to happen often with you guys.
But, since people have common sense, regardless of knowing how to play the game or not, my so-called “poison” wont affect them, right? I mean, if its horrible advice, then they’ll use their common sense, and say to themselves: " I dont think that will work, thats actually horrific advice from that guy…" But, has that happen with all of my advice Ive given to people whove ask for it? No, you know why? Because its good…wait a minute, Im not about to explain anymore, Im gonna say like 2 or 3 words, that are self-explanatory…:yawn:
Im only cocky when someone provokes it outta of me. I dont brag about nothing (unless Im talking to a chic, lol), but if someone insults me, Im gonna brag. I think everyone is like that, its not arrogance, its…arrogance against ignorance, therefore, its justified…
Okay, so how do players dash online on PS3/XBOX360, then? Let me guess, they have to tap directional to do it? Okay, but ask yourself this question, why would they create a controller set-up that doesnt allow 1-button dash, when there is so much other labor that has to be executed with other buttons? That doesnt make any sense. In fact, I dont believe you…I think it does have 1-button dash, because thats adding extra labor in the match. Youre telling me the PS3 controller (which is basically the same as the PS2) doesnt have 1-button wave dash? But even still Im wrong only about PS3/XBOX360, but I play on PS2, which has 1-button wave dash. I was speaking from my experience with characters w/wave dash on PS2. See, I have no problem admitting when Im wrong, because I dont even like XBOX anyway. But, dont think you guys are off the hook, thinking because Im wrong about this, that that justifies trying to insult my advice to people who ask for it. And even if Im wrong, IM STILL RIGHT, BECAUSE IT SHOULD HAVE IT. So, you guys cant embarrass me if you tried…
But, tell me the controller set-up for PS3, I find that hard to believe…
I wrote something like three paragraphs refuting a bunch of stuff, then I deleted them. Why bother? I don’t think you’re long for this posting world, dude.
What does playing PS2 explain? Oh, “Its not the same as DC version…” blah, blah, blah…
If youre good, there isnt much difference, but if you suck and like to complain a lot (like most of you) then you’ll cry how: “Magneto cant do this, its hard to do this…” blah…
I dont have a stick at home, and it plays just fine with me. Because all of the stuff that is done isnt that hard to do on PS2. And the excuse about it doesnt feel right? People who are good play on horrific sticks in the arcades, and continue to do so, until theyre totally disgusted with it, so all of this complaining about PS2 is just an excuse for people who suck, thats all…