M.O.D.O.K. Thread 2: Orgasm Harder

Plus it gives him a free analyze cube and he can end the combo resetting to full screen where he wants to be.

Much better coverage on the pillars though… seems like both will be pretty good.

Modok needs Psylocke AA assist.

Does the MODAM alt count as a female for the marvel side?

I refuse to sit here and let you disrespect MODAM like such.

takes off rolex

So MODAM is a man?

You one level of understanding away from getting K-Oed.

Sooooooooooo, Modam has a dick then?

Soooooooo yes or no?:confused:

his whole being is a dick.


Im gonna go with MODOK has no gender.

Mookie has no sexual reproductive organs. They get in the way of his killing organs.

Youre thinking of M.O.D.O.F. (there are children on this forum)

Lets keep it classy.

Sooooooo, he (or it i should say) has no penis therefore it should get in the kitchen and fix me a samich?

Do you REALLY want a mental organism designed only for killing to be fixing you a sandwich in the other room where you cant see?

Ew, itll make a samich with mountain dew and anal cubes.

Then it should get me some damn KFC!


When I read MODOF up there I thought: “MODOFUKA?”

Anyways, I didn’t think modok was awkward. the jump is weird at first, but I enjoyed playing him when I did.

Can’t… stop… laughing…

Couldn’t watch the tourney Thursday so i’m watching the recording now and man the guy that was playing MODOK against Marn was really getting in his ass.

He should have been throwing out some anal cubes tho, but still he was putting in work.