M.O.D.O.K. Thread 2: Orgasm Harder

Thor didn’t have one as of last I heard, but they were saying maybe one of his others was gonna be converted.

Viewtiful Joe and the spectacular Spiderman are level 3-less.

A maxed out HPB is likely to be the closest thing to a level 3 that MODOK is going to get. Actually, it wouldn’t be surprising at all to see that thing do more damage than most level 3s can muster lol.

I think Seth might have made the comment somewhere that Thor’s shockwave super would be his level 3, IIRC.

considering how gaining and KEEPING 9 LOU’s will probably be somewhat difficult, I think the “Lvl 3 damage with Lvl 1 cost” of a fully charged HPB is appropriate. Basically, not only does it cost 1 bar of meter, it also costs time and actually damage too since you’d be using fewer LOU’s for powered up attacks and weaker HPB in order to get all 9 quickly.

It’s a fair trade and makes the move seem fair as a Lvl 1.

This; 9 lous will be way harder to get than 3 levels. (at least without spending them)

God, I always sucked as Johnny in Guilty Gear. Could never make those coins count. If its the same with MODOK’s LOU then I’m fucked. I really wanna mess around with him.

The cool thing about LOU’s though, is that you SORTA have access to Lvl 2 hypers… in a weird way. They cost more than 1 (due to the LOU cost) but if you dont have all 9 LOU’s, which gives it Lvl 3 power, then you still get a buffed up hyper from the LOU’s you do have.

Anal cube should have been an assist. I see no reason why Dormammu get’s a power up assist while MODOK doesn’t, even if MODOk’s can be used to further combos.

MODOK though has the shield assist instead. Which is gonna kick ass.

Well, he doesn’t though : I

Purification = Dark Pillar
Dark Portal = umm… Dark Portal
Liberation = Release of any previous charges he had (if he had none, it’s a small burst)

Ha, all this time I thought it was a power up. So scrubby of me.

Edit:Then what was that discussion some time ago about power charging and all?

The discussion was probably hypothetical…

About power charging while Dormmy is on the field and have him with liberation assist so he can liberate them as an assist.

so much ass, so little time.

Still, somebody needs to test and see if MODOK’s shield can create wall bounce. Could be used for rushdown if so. Corner plus shield equals crazy ass combos.

Mmmmm… Ass-combos…

I feel like aegis is being treated more like contact with another character rather than a wall. Like, you know in hotbox data, there’s a box that shows where characters CANNOT overlap? I think it might be something like that.

I’m betting 9 LOU HPB will be 100% on its own or with a magic>E>air magic>HPB at least. 9 cubes hitting is probably a LOT harder than build 2 more meters.

HPB alone with 9 LOU’s? I’m calling 60% on Ryu. 100% is too much for ANY hyper, I don’t care how hard it is to get fully charged.

Against boxers Arthur? prolly gets close, but no way is Capcom gonna give a character a “use this to automatically kill a character” Hyper. A combo into Hyper with KFC? sure. But JUST a hyper? No fuckin’ way.

KFC HPB is gonna be scary though. I have no idea what to expect from that. Other than PAIN.

So… did you guys see MODOK’s standing A? Combos into launcher, so he does have some up close defense…


I don’t think there will be any jabs that don’t combo into launcher dude. =/

That’s definitely doesn’t give him any better defense though.

The bulletshots look like command normals as well. That’s pretty weird, his zoning tools look like specials yet are normals.