M.Bison Video Thread: SHADALOO TV - The most delicious source of Videos in all of Bisonopolis!

When I enter the forum and saw so many new posts I thought “ohh something very good was discovered, a new tech, finally the reason why the Japanese say Bison is top 5!!!” but instead I find this.


Guys… what are you even arguing about?
Venom used Inferno in this Match about 5 (6?) times. 4 (5?) Times it lead to nothing. 1(!) time ISDD just walked into it for some reason.

Inferno vs Sonic Boom is situational, at best. Maybe some lesser Guile Players will jump into it or hit it with a Spinning Back Knuckle.
I dont see how this is something that will make this matchup significantly easier.

If Guile is far away, just absorb the damn thing.
If he followed it and is close… I dont know if a Move with 16-14 Frames of recovery AFTERthe “shield” of flames diminishes is such a good idea, once a few guile players have seen it, and know that there are Bison players who do this.
EX Inferno might be nice when things get desperate and Guile really wants to force himself in, since there is only a very short window for him to hit you after the flames are gone, and it protects you from everything.

I am not convinced that this will become a thing, no matter who “invented” it.

Not as much as I wish unfortunately. The only reason I can be on the forums as much as I wanted is because of my phone.

Still the pursuit of credit is meaningless. Let’s go back to our regular scheduled programming please.

We need a mod to clean this mess up. Should be videos only with some comments or discussion on them. Embarrassing for the shadalaw empire. sad!

Not to go back to it but Inferno is good vs F.A.N.G., from the right ranges you can destroy the 2 projectils with little risk, also if you’re at fullscreen you can absorb 1 off the projectils because the other will whiff, even if it doesn’t you get to store a projectil, lose little damage but make F. A.N.G. scared of doing stuff in neutral.

this youtube channel only upload Bison´s matches, is really good.






@gian2412 good find.



Definitely not our finest hour =/

Wow that last galtu video




Last one has a killer soundtrack.


Daigo and Galtu meet again!


sigh Daigo trying to adapt an almost online-like hella wreckless style…It’s not fitting him.


Vesper will be spared in the impending apocalypse


That ending sequence:


Haku vs Daigo for you!!!


Fresh Galtu x Gamerbee

