Lyghts Out Accusations

This is me owning Lyghts 0ut.


Hey Elton thanks for the comments on the Daigo fight. Just wanted to point out that Blanka and Guile are about 6-4 at most. So Blanka is definitely not Guile’s worst match-up its not easy for Blanka to win that fight at all actually.

Guile destroys Blanka

In ST Guile’s worst matchups were Dhalsim, vega, Blanka and to some extent Sagat.

Remix addressed the dhalsim matchup turning it from an almost unwinnable match to competitive.

Sagat has been nerfed in remix and guile has new moves which also makes him more competitive against Vega.

But the matchup remains the same vs Blanka which imo makes it guiles toughest matchup. If Blanka isnt guiles toughest matchup in remix who would you suggest is?

I wont argue with 6-4 that sounds about right, all that tells me is his other matchups have a more favourable ratio.

Also i think you did great against Daigo, really well played.

It’s 6-4 in Guile’s favor in ST and HDR.

Here’s a pretty recent enough list made by top players.

I have to say i find that shocking and goes against all the conventional wisdom iv ever known, but if its compiled by experts who am i to argue.

still shocking though.

Anyone else want to weigh in on this?

I find that REALLY odd. With the really fast tiger mixups plus the knee to advance, how is it in Guile’s favor? The only thing he can do is a j. mk on a tiger since 'Gat’s arms are long, but even then…

hi man! haw are you?

Hahaha, hej! Vat du vad ExposedD gillar? SUGE KUK!

Aww watup.

posting roms


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