List of cross ups

Then people shouldn’t reference incorrect resources. I found papasi’s faster.

I know guile’s can feel ambiguous, but who else aside from dj/bison/claw can really make it hard to see?

I’ve accidentally crossed up with hawks jumping jab. It’s fucking impossible to tell. I’m pretty sure it only works on the fat characters though.


This means I have no idea at all. Someone should really test this.

I’ve randomly crossed up Hawk with O.Guile on occasion. It’s happened a few times against Papercut. I think it was with j.fierce and j.short and only works on the fatties.

Neck breaker should have probably been on my list, but, just like Boxer’s HP/HK, I expect those to be more situational.
There are also special moves with cross-up potential - Torpedo, Psycho Crusher, Blanka Ball

I think it’s a question of timing and spacing, so I’d expect that the entire cast can make that happen.